little bean at the studio

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EllaBrown025  this one's for you

'peekaboo' he coos.

his little bean giggles. then follows his actions. she places her hand against her face. but babbles when she flails it in the air.

it's a giggle kinda day at the studio. his little bean's cheek cherry red. her hands and feet flailing in the air with excitement. at first, when they entered the studio she began wailing her little heart out. but soon calmed down by his soft whispers. 'shh— shh. s'alright, bean'.

he began writing on the sofa, letting his bean crawl onto his lap and look at him with curious eyes. but as the day went on she would wonder around the room. he always checked to see where she was and what she was doing, making sure she wasn't in any danger. 'ya can't touch that bean..'.

but when he turned his head around for one second, she was gone. in a frantic, he searched the room. she couldn't have gotten that far out because he locked the doors. but she could be in a dangerous situation. his face softens when he sees her crawling against Mitch's guitar. she had somehow managed to enter the recording booth.

so he picks her up, a little squeal falling from her lips and holds her close to his chest. 'can't take you anywhere'.

and here he is now. she sprawled out on the sofa. giggling away as he gasp a peekaboo. she's following his actions, babbling and then flailing her hands and feet in the air.

it's almost six. time to drive home. and when they arrive, he's holding her against his chest, mumbling a 'i love you, bean. so much'.

today couldn't be anymore perfect.

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