AUTHOR'S NOTE- Why I have Disscountinued this story

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HELLO EVERYONE! I know it has been a very hot minute since you last seen an update from me but I feel bad not for explaining why I haven't updated as of a few months ago. I would like to explain why I haven't updated. 

I will not sugar coat it, I have fallen out of love with writing for The Vampire Diaries, I have loved the series since I was a freshmen in, that was two year's ago, and that is really a long time for someone my age, which is eighteen.  Like I literally started watching this during the ending of the pandemic. 

I cant really bring myself to write for a fandom I have fallen out of love for. I dont know if you have realized but this fandom has the tendency to be very toxic and turn people away very quickly, which sadly I happen to be one of those people. 

I will say I do not regret writing this story, when I started writing this I did a lot of research into interaccial relationship's and how to write a POC character, doing my best to avoid negative stereotype's of black women. I dont know if I cant state it enough, in my own word's 
 "I'm a dumb white girl on the internet."  

I will say it was a big shot in the dark for me to write this story, I know most people don't like Jeremy Gilbert because in people's words he is just annoying and whiny, I have a bad habit of liking underated characters what can I say anyways. I will say next to my other characters written Thea has been one of my favorites, she funny and sort of type of complex with her backstory.

And it's honestly interesting to write for her and Jeremy but sadly I don't think I can't bring myself to write myself for something I don't like for anymore. I'm growing as a person and my entire life is changing as a I enter my senior year of high school.

I'm sorry to all who enjoyed this story and liked reading it, but I need to focus on growth and myself. And sadly that includes moving on from certain things like the vampire diaries and this story.

I can't thank you all enough for the support over the story it means a lot to me and really has helped me over the last few years of high school I don't know where I would be without it.

So this is where I'm gonna leave you all. I hope you all have a good night and or day wherever you may be and I hope you all have a good life and be safe.

SIXTH SENSE [ J. Gilbert] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now