Territories, Borders and Current Events of Apex Vigilance

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United Nations/The Steel Wardens: Blue

The Anthro Conglomerate: Black

OPFOR: Green 

Chinese Army: Red

Chinese Rebels: Orange

Chinese Rebels: Orange

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Notes of Events:

The War in the Middle East:

In the tumultuous landscape of the Middle East, the flames of conflict have been stoked by a cauldron of distrust and the rise of extremist factions. Amid this volatile atmosphere, the region has transformed into a sprawling battleground, with warlords vying for supremacy. Foremost among these figures is the formidable Mohammed Abdi, a cunning leader who seized control of Afghanistan, paving the way for his ascent to dictator. Propelled by a relentless ambition, he and his OPFOR (Opposing Forces) swiftly extended their dominion beyond the Middle East, spreading their influence like wildfire across Africa. Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, and Eritrea all succumbed to the oppressive grip of Abdi's regime.

The ominous shadow of war looms large over the Middle East, with Israel teetering on the brink of capitulation in the face of an OPFOR siege. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the Israeli government issued an impassioned plea to the international community through the United Nations. In response, the UN deployed its elite force, the Steel Wardens, to relieve the besieged nation and stem the tide of aggression.

Complicating matters further, the oppressive forces of OPFOR have not only threatened the geopolitical stability of the region but have also unleashed a campaign of terror against Anthros—sentient beings of various species coexisting with humanity. The plight of Anthros in the Middle East has not gone unnoticed by the Anthro Conglomerate, an alliance representing these marginalized groups. Outraged by the unfair treatment and enslavement of Anthros captured by OPFOR, the Conglomerate declared war on Mohammed Abdi's forces.

Seizing the opportunity to not only quell the rising threat but also to rebuild fractured relations between humans and Anthros, the United Nations eagerly embraced the Anthro Conglomerate's call for aid. In a historic move, the UN mandated a joint operation, directing the Steel Wardens to collaborate with Conglomerate Forces. Their shared mission: to liberate the Middle East from the clutches of oppression, eliminate the tyrannical rule of Mohammed Abdi's OPFOR, and pave the way for a new era of cooperation and harmony between different communities in the region. The fate of nations and the intertwined destinies of humans and Anthros hang in the balance, as the forces of Humanity and Anthros to confront the challenges that threaten to engulf the world.

The Second Chinese Civil War:

In the crucible of enduring oppression and the stifling grip of the Chinese Communist Party's authoritarian rule, the people of Hong Kong found themselves at the epicenter of a tumultuous struggle for freedom. For years, their voices had been silenced, their right to free speech suppressed by the iron-fisted policies of the ruling regime. However, a significant turning point emerged when the Anthro Conglomerate, in a bid to assert their rights during the Human-Anthro War, weakened the once-mighty Chinese government.

Seizing this opportune moment, the resilient citizens of Hong Kong rallied together, forming a rebellion determined to break free from the shackles of authoritarianism. The embers of lost democracy sparked a fervent desire for change, propelling the movement toward a vision of a new China, unburdened by oppressive rule and restrictive laws. The streets of Hong Kong became the battleground for an impassioned struggle, where protesters and loyal citizens alike stood united in their quest for a brighter future.

As the flames of rebellion grew, drawing global attention to the plight of those fighting for their democratic rights, an international force stepped onto the scene. The Steel Wardens, renowned for their commitment to justice and order, arrived to bolster the efforts of the embattled rebels. Their mission extended beyond merely supporting the rebellion; it was to pave the way for a lasting peace and the establishment of a democratic China once the fires of civil war had been extinguished.

In the heart of the conflict, where tear gas and rubber bullets met the resolute spirit of a people yearning for change, the Steel Wardens stood as a symbol of hope. Their presence signaled the global community's commitment to upholding the values of democracy and human rights, echoing the aspirations of those who sought to break free from the chains of oppression.

The struggle in Hong Kong, now intertwined with the international narrative of Apex Vigilance, became a beacon of resilience and a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dared to dream of a better tomorrow. As the battle for freedom raged on, the fate of Hong Kong hung in the balance, with the Steel Wardens standing as guardians of justice in a world where the fight for liberty echoed across borders.

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