Episode 8: Sands Of Strife: Part 3

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"Operation Stormforge Day 3"

"March 20, 2042"

"Highway One, Israel"

"11:30 AM"

"54TH Strike Force Division, 125TH Armored Corps, 105TH Infantry Corps".


"A new Day has Risen For Operation Stormforge, With Highway One all clear of Hostile forces Allied Divisions Now Steamroll Towards Jerusalem, The City while in the OPFOR'S control has become more of a fortress rather than the lively city than it once was with even it's Captured Civilian Populace forcibly conscripted by the OPFOR to Bolster their numbers and to Man the Defenses Built on the new Walls of Jerusalem, OPFOR will fight to the Bitter End to keep Israel in their hands, While on the way to Jerusalem, Soldiers of both the Wardens and the Conglomerate are met with the Charred remains of a Republican Guard Convoy left behind by the 86TH Airborne Wardens That were deployed ahead of them and are on their Way to the Village of Abu Ghosh".

Warlock 1 Tank Commander (Female Snow Leopard): Looks Like We missed one helluva party here. "She says while looking at a destroyed Convoy truck".

Warlock 1 Gunner (Male Black Cat): I'm seeing no hostiles on radar Ma'am, we're all Clear from here.

Warlock 1 Tank Commander (Female Snow Leopard): Roger That, Let's get Our Convoy moving Don't wanna cause a Traffic jam here *She then waves to the Allied Convoy* ALL CLEAR!

"As soon as the all clear is Given The Allied Convoy Starts moving Forward Again With Trucks Escorted by Tanks, IFVs, APCs, and Even JLTVs of the Wardens and ATV Humvees of the Conglomerate, Infantry and Tank Crewmen Gaze upon the Destroyed Convoy with Anthro Soldiers acting A bit Flabbergasted that a Few Scattered Airborne Infantry could destroy an entire well Equipped and fully Trained Division of Mohammed's Republican Guard".

Conglomerate Infantryman 8 (Male Dobermann): God damn. So you're Telling me than a few Scattered Airborne Boys Destroyed all of this? "He says to a Warden sitting beside him".

Assault Warden 17 (African-American Male): Hell yeah dude, That's the Power The Airborne Battalion has got! Although they do leave a mess of sorts "He says While Referring to a Burned dead body".

"Wardens and Anthro soldiers alike gaze on the Highway of death The 86TH Airborne Wardens Has left behind, upon the Destroyed Tanks and trucks are the burned and Mutilated bodies of Republican Guardsmen left to rot and act as food for the vultures while the vehicles are pushed aside to make way for the Allied Convoy".

125TH LT General (German Male): *Tsk* The 86TH has surely made quite a mess on Highway One. "He says as his Vanguard Tank with a Mine plow pushes aside a destroyed Diablo IFV".

125TH LT General (German Male): They Could've at least clean up after themselves.

"Upon saying That Jameson who was Sitting on the hull of Tank Received a Radio Transmission on his Helmet Communicator, The Voice behind the transmission sounded frantic and was calling for help as nearby chatter of a Battle surrounded his Voice in the Transmission".  

Finbarr (Radio): This is 1ST Lieutenant Knight! Can anyone here me!?

Finbarr (Radio): I repeat This is 1ST Lieutenant Finbarr Knight of Epsilon Squad we are surrounded in the village of Abu Ghosh and are about to be overrun! is there anyone there?

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