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I was sitting in my room with Musa as she sat in the mirror. "Are you sure that the hair style will look good?" she asked I rolled my eyes and said, "Those little short pigtail weren't doing anything, and keeping your hair long in them looks better ok?" I said turning her to me.

She laughs at me, and rolls her eyes. She stood and gave me a tight hug and thanked me. "Of course now lets go see Bloom off and then we'll get your hair spelled," I said walking out of my room.


"Hey, Bloom, since Musa and I aren't going home for break, we can help you carry your stuff." Aisha said offer their help but Bloom declined.Bloom uses her magic to make the doors of the balcony leading to the Winx Club's dorm burst open. The bags fly out of the room with Kiko and Lockette are riding on top.

"So, what are you and Musa have planned?" Stella asked Aisha smiled and said, "Today we're going to that great beach on the western shore."  I then asked, " Are you two sure you don't want to come with me to Galactica?"

They smiled at me "No, the waves are supposed to be rocking there, but maybe after," I smiled at that and said, "Sounds like a plan." Aisha agreed.

Kiko falls off the bag but Lockette catches him by his ears. Bloom's bags are falling through the air. Aisha catches the bags. Lockette loses grip of Kiko. Kiko and Lockette land on Aisha's face, who falls backwards and knocks Stella's clothes everywhere.

"Do you know how long it took me to divide up my clothes up between Mom and Dad bags?!" Stella exclaimed. A bright shining light from the sky comes down. Stella gasps, and said "It's a sungram from Solaria!"

A girl appears from the star."Wanda's the official palace messenger. I wonder what she wants." Stella says as it plays.

Wanda: The royal court of Solaria is pleased to announce our official princess ball. Wanda blows a horn.

Stella seemed surprise at the announcement, "A princess ball for me? I thought for sure they wouldn't have it." And then amore said, "This is so exciting."

"I don't mean to sound dumb but what's a princess ball exactly?" Bloom asks and I answered, "It's like a coming out party for royalty. You hold a princess ball when a princess is ready to officially enter royal society." She nodded her head in understanding and Musa continued, "Believe it or not, they used to announce who your husband would be, back when they still had arranged marriages." And then I heard mumble,"Some kingdoms still do." she looked said and she told me about how her kingdom does arrange marriages.

A picture of King Radius appears leaving a message.

King Radius: You're going to love your party, honey. And I have a surprise announcement that I'm going to make there, which I think will make you very happy. Wanda and King Radius disappear.

"Okay, everyone's coming Solaria!" Stella announce. "But my parents..." Bloom said reluctant."Your parents have to let you go. A princess ball happens only once in a lifetime and I have to share it with all of you." Stella begged, and Bloom said she'll be there and everyone else too.

We then head to the streets of magic to look for a dress. We were walking down the Street and Tecna was telling us who were coming, and I asked, "Did Eiden send his RSVP," he's been really distant lately and I don't know why.

"No reply yet," Tecna looked at me sadly and Aisha pulled me close for a hug. " If he gets back to Atlantis before he gets the invite his parents will never let him go, they don't like him around me," Flora came to me and gave me a hug as well which made me feel better.

Andromeda (Winx club oc) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now