Ice queen

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The and I are sitting in the park thinking of a band names. Then Stella sneezed and asked,"Girls, aren't you getting cold?" And Flora agreed shivering, "Oh! You're right! It does feel a little chilly. Maybe it's because the sun is going down."

Tecna rolled her eyes and said, "C'mon guys! Don't change the subject." I nodded my head to be honest I don't get cold, ya know being from a space planet. "Yeah, we've gotta come up with a name for the band."

"How about "The Winx"?" Roxy suggested, I liked it, basic, but simple. "Now that we have a real contract with the huge record label, we can't just be called "The Seven Girls on Love and Pet"..." I laughed at Aisha.

"We need a name like "Winx", but with a little more... edge." Tecna said, and I added, "Yeah, something that makes us stand out."

Then Stella gasped, "How about "The Atomic Blondes"?" I rolled my eyes at the suggestion and Musa voiced it, "Stella, the name has to work for everybody, not just you!"

Riven came over and him and Musa walked away. Eiden came and sat next to me. "You know you played so great," I smiled at the compliment. "Wow, thats so sweet, especially when you went on stage, I'm very proud, of you," he blushed, I love after 3 years of being together I can still make him blush.

He pulled out a paper flower that he said Helia help him make, but before I could take it the wind blow. "What the...?" He said and Bloom said, "It's really cold!"

Then Nebula appears, "Hello, Winx." And Roxy screams in shock, "Nebula!" The Specialists, Winx, and I run to Roxy.

"I've come here to give you a message, not to fight! It's a message from Morgana! If you don't bring the Wizards of the Black Circle to Morgana, then you'll suffer the revenge of the second Major Fairy, Aurora the Fairy of the North."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh great another crazy revenge fairy," which got me an elbow from Aisha and she said, "Morgana already made threats. She doesn't scare us."

"Her scourge has not being unleashed against you, but against the humans' cities." Oh no what does that mean. "It's being unleashed?" Tecna questioned.

"Do you mean it's already started?" Musa question which earned a smile from Nebula, "That's right! And only you can stop it."Nebula shows the freezing place.

"It's terrible!" said bloom and Nebula said, "The Northern seas have started to freeze! Soon the ice will advance even further... Until the whole planet is covered in one big glacier!"

I laughed and said confidently, "You tell Morgana we already ruined her plans once and we can do it again!" I think that made Nebula made, "Urg! There is no more time to talk! You either deliver the Wizards of the Black Circle or you will doom your beloved planet!" Nebula disappears.

"We need to find this Fairy of the North," Eiden said and I shook my head with a rebut. "Uh there is no we, Eiden. You can't. We're the only one who can stop Aurora. You will freeze to death." Musa stepped to my side, "Bloom's right. We knew we had a great challenge to face." It's true we knew this would happen because of the wizards.

So the specialist agreed to leave with Artu . We head back to Love and Pet to devise a plan and hopefully get help from Faragonda.

"Miss Faragonda, the dark wizards have gathered all their magic energies into this Black Circle. They don't have any powers left now. Ogron gave it to me and asked me to give it to Morgana, as a sign of surrender." I explained to her as we looked at the Black Circle.

"This would be unacceptable for her. After all the harm those wizards caused her, this compromise would let them off too easily. I'm afraid it all rests upon your shoulders." Oh why did I know that was coming.

Andromeda (Winx club oc) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now