The Wizards

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This is so exciting , after our ceremony of becoming guardian fairies, we were invited back to be Teaching assistant. The girls and I walked on to the courtyard to the entrance.

"I can't believe we're back at Alfea," I said excited and Flora said after, "And now we'll be teaching here." Aisha jumped in front and smiled and said,"Professor Aisha here." I smiled at her as she laughed.

"Aisha, we're just teaching assistants, but it is pretty fantastic," Tecna said matter a factly. "All I know is that we'll be giving homework instead of getting it," Bloom smiled and Stella added, "And we'll be giving quizzes and tests and..Wait! Who's gonna grade all this stuff?" I laughed at her. Musa then said, "It was just three years ago we were new freshmen fairies and now we're..." But she was cut off by screams.

Many girls ran to us asking for autographs. They squealed at us, I got many hugs and one of the young fairies came up to me. "Princess Astra you are a big inspiration for me, I'm from Galactica as well" I smiled brightly hearing that she was from my planet.

"Well its very nice to meet you...." I didn't know her name and she laughed and said, "Valerie, your highness," I waved my hand at her and said, "Well you don't need to be so formal, and come to me if you ever need anything, ok?" she smiled and nodded her head and giggled and ran off to her friends.

After the fan club left we walked into Alfea and we were greeted by Griselda. "Hello ladies! It's a pleasure to see you again. Welcome back," I smiled and said, "Morning, Miss Griselda, good to see you." She then looked at her clip board and said, "Follow me please! Before you meet with the headmistress, I'll show you to your room," Aisha smiled and said, "Oh, do not worry, we know the way!" And began run to our room and we rushed after her as we all laughed.


When we burst in all of us gasped as we saw students already in there. "Yes?" this blonde girl said with attitude. Aisha stepped beside me and said, "Uh, who are you? This is our room!" The students gasp. Before I could say anything the blonde girl said, "No it's not. This is our room."The students in the dorm and the Winx begin to stare at each other.

Stepping in between Aisha and the girl. "Uh, first of all don't speak to us like that miss girl, and Aisha chill there is definitely a explanation," I said deescalating the situation.

Then Griselda caught up to us and said, "Clarice is right, this area is for students. Your rooms are down the hall in the teachers' wing." Then Faragonda comes in, and says, "I thought you knew! You're no longer students, girls. You'd better get used to the idea."

Bloom then said, "Hi, Miss Faragonda!" with a smile. Faragonda then said, "Come to my office, we have much to talk about," we smiled and exit, but before I did I said, "Sorry for the miss understanding girls, have a good day," they smiled and waved goodbye enthustically except Clarice.

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Sitting in Faragonda's office she began to speak, "Thank you for accepting my invitation to teach, girls. As the youngest fairies to ever reach the Enchantix level, you can provide great inspiration. Particularly for the new students just learning about the world of magic."

Smiling I said, "I just hope we live up to their expectations," the girls all silently agreeing with me. "All you have to do is be yourselves. I almost forgot.."Faragonda opens opens a gold box.

"These are for you," and we gasp at the gift. "What beautiful Enchantix wings," Flora said, and Faragonda added, "Yes, they're keys to enter the Heart of Alfea" The keys activate and open the Heart of Alfea. And with that we got up and  entered into the Heart.

Andromeda (Winx club oc) Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora