Beauty on the inside

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As Stella fell we all tried to reach her. Bloom and I grabbed her hand, but because her hand webbed and were Stella's hand slips out of our grip and Stella screams as she starts to fall again. I screamed back to the girls,"Hey guys help!!" Tecna, Musa, and Flora fly outside and down to help catch Stella.Bloom catches her again. Tecna, Flora, and Musa and I use our magic to help Bloom hold her while they fly down.

Bloom, Flora, Tecna, and Musa and I  form a circle around Stella and carry her down to the ground. We land in the forest that surrounds the royal palace."Wow, this rain, it's like anti-magic." Musa said, I nodded my head and said, "Yeah I do feel really weak," I said leaning on a nearby tree.

"It weakened our spells and our strength, but luckily we still had enough Winx left to save Stella." Tecna informed us, and Stella added, "The way I look. I'd probably be better off if you hadn't." I went over and hugged Stella the best I could, and said "Don't say that Still, this is only temporary," and Bloom added, "We'll get you changed back, Stella. But in the meantime I think you look kind of cuddly." Bloom said trying to make her feel better. And Flora added,"Yeah. Kind of like a cross between a frog and a bear. Or on second thought, maybe a dragon."

I groaned at Flora trying to be 'helpful' but I think she only made Stella more upset."I'm green, I'm hideous, and I've given a whole new meaning to the term bloated." Then Brandon can be heard calling from the distance."Stella! Bloom! You guys alright?" He said, and then Stella started freaking out. "This is bad." I rubbed her back to comfort her as  Eiden, Sky, and Brandon came running towards us."There is no way that I can let Brandon see me like this." Stella said going and hiding behind a tree as they arrive.

"Uhhh, hey guys, are guys good?" Eiden walked up to me and put his hands my shoulders and checked me over, and said, "Yeah, we were worried about you. Is everybody alright, Babe?" and Brandon added, "We saw the explosions. Brandon points to the aviary tower which is still smoking from Bloom's fire attack.

"What happened?" Sky asked, and Tecna answered, "Fire spell backdraft, no biggie." and Bloom followed up with, "But then up in the aviary the guards fired at Stella and knocked her off the roof." Brandon looked shocked and he said,"Well, then, where is she?" The girls and I looked at each other, and I said, "She's looking for an escape route so we can get off the palace grounds," and Bloom followed with," Yeah, that's right. Something that the guards don't know about." I rolled my eyes at Bloom she's not good with thinking on her feet. Then Flora said and suggested, "Yeah, and she might not be back for quite some time. So, you probably shouldn't wait. You should just get the ship, and then we can meet you."

"Uh, this doesn't sound right." Sky said confused and Brandon followed with, "Yeah, what are you trying to hide." He looked at us suspiciously and I saw the guards coming, "Watch out!" The guards started firing at us. One hits Eiden in the back and he is knocked to the ground. Guards surround him and Brandon."Eiden! Hold on!" I starts to run to Eiden but Tecna stops me."Wait, Astra. This rain has zapped all our Winx, we can't fight the guards like this. Let the guys handle it." I knew she was right, but Eiden looked hurt. Brandon has his weapon out and is fighting some of the guards. A guard runs at Sky and he gets up and incapacitates the guard. Eiden took out some after getting off the ground.

"Eiden! Try to get to the ship. Here, take this!" I threw a device to Sky.Another guard runs at Eiden but he is able to beat him as well. Stella peeks out from behind the tree. Stella told us that she knows a way out's she started to lead us around the palace. Some of the dogs break free of their leashes and run ahead. Stella screams and runs from them with the other girls.

"Stella, are these the dogs you told me about? The ones that are stronger than dragons?" Bloom asked her and Stella gulped and said, "Yup."Stella starts to fall behind. She trips over a tree root and the dogs catch up with her. They're growling and coming closer and Stella is scared. But then the dogs smell her and start licking her face."Hey, you recognize me. That's a good boy, yes."Stella pats one of the dogs. We run back towards her.*

Andromeda (Winx club oc) Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora