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Chapter 83 083

Lu Qing sat on the sofa in the command room, leaning there lazily, and in his hand he was still holding the Di Ling Vine that collapsed on him and pretended to be dead.

He rested his head on the back of the sofa and stared blankly at the ceiling above, his face was obviously depressed, occasionally tilting his head, staring at someone not far away who did not say a word, and had the intention to break the silence of the room, but he opened his mouth and did not know what to say.

No one spoke in the entire command room all morning, only the rustle of the tip of the pen, coupled with the low air pressure emitted by the person handling the document, made the atmosphere in the room more and more dull.

Mu Jianchen was sitting on the side and was processing the documents, and from time to time he would stop to look at the report handed over by his subordinates, ignoring the stabbing gaze.

It's just that the sight is too hot, and after a while, he still loses under Lu Qing's depressed eyes, and helplessly compromises:

"You can go out when you are bored, but only in the military area, if you sneak out again, I will find a chain to tie you to your side for the rest of your life."

Lu Qing's eyes lit up, and he quickly rushed over and grabbed Mu Jianchen's collar, and said with bright eyes:

"You're not angry anymore?"

After Mu Jianchen led people to find Lu Qing yesterday, he kept a cold face, and he refused to say a word except for the necessary instructions during the whole process, so that everyone was like a frightened bird, and a random glance that swept over can scare people half to death.

Soon after, the other four detachments also rushed over, and a hundred people were directly dumbfounded by the statues in the room, not knowing what to do.

It was a frozen statue, a brittle ice sculpture that broke with a gentle break.

How is this going to work? I'm afraid that if they really use brute force, their bodies will be shattered to you in minutes, and they don't know that the ice sculptures made by Lu Qing are known to be hard.

There was no way, the group had to go to Mu Jianchen bitterly for help, and Mu Jianchen went to find the culprit to thaw this group of people.

Lu Qing thought that Mu Jianchen was willing to talk to him Qíng was revealed, who would have thought that when he returned to the base, there was still this stubble, not only to be cold to him, but he almost didn't find a chain to tie up wherever he went, and even Di Lingteng wanted to go out to play.

Mu Jianchen pulled down the small hand on his collar, pulled the person into his arms and hugged him, put his chin on the top of his furry head, and sighed:

"What would you do if I went into battle without saying hello to you, and I lost contact with you?"

Lu Qingzheng's hand that wanted to struggle paused, and unconsciously stopped the movement in his hand.

What can be done, if Mu Jianchen leaves without saying a word to him, he will be considerate of urgent matters, after all, the battlefield is changing rapidly and cannot be delayed.

If it is a personal grudge that disappears for no reason, and makes him so worried, it is definitely a non-negotiable rhythm.

Only by thinking about it in another position did he find out how good Mu Jianchen's temper was, if he were to change to someone else, I am afraid that he would be thunderous by now.

Regardless of his worries, he insisted on taking risks alone, even if Mu Jianchen understood how qiáng he was, he would still be unconsciously worried, not because he didn't believe in Lu Qing's ability, but because he loved him, because he would be worried.

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