Chapter 6: Dinner

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Dave went home for dinner about 5 hours after visiting his pals.


My supervisor has informed me I'm not allowed to say "pals" anymore because I'm gonna get sued. My supervisor is me.

Thatcher brought him home in his wee-woo-wee-woo car. With the sirens on. It was really concerning to everyone in the house. Can ya believe that?

Dave walked inside and stared at his family.


Adam: Dave, what was that about?

Dave: Don't worry, that's just my friend Thatcher

Delia: You're not being arrested?

Dave: Nope

Delia: Good! We were scared

Barbara: Oh, there you are, Dave! We were just about to have dinner. Will you join us?

Dave hummed. He was very hungry and this would be a good time to have THE TALK.

Dave: Well damn, I sure will. Is Beetlejuice home?

Barbara: I think him and Charles are playing cars with Adam's diorama of the town

Adam turned him body to him wife and stared at her in very much confusion and confuzzledment.


Adam: They're doing what with my diorama?

Barbara: They're taking the little cars and driving them around

Adam: That sounds fun, I wanna join

Dave: Well damn, me too

Then Dave remembered he had to have THE TALK and he got scared and nervous and timid and anxious and-

Barbara: After dinner, boys. We gotta eat

Everyone went to the table where they were going to eat food made of food.

They were having kebabs. Idk what kind, I really don't know what kebabs are.

Dave was a nervous wreck. Beetlejuice noticed Dave looked scared under his sunglasses and held his husband's hand under the table.


Beetlejuice: Davey? What's wrong bbg?

Dave: uh

Lydia: Uncle Dave, are you okay? You look really pale

Dave: I- uhm

Everyone was looking at Dave now with so much love and concern and empathy and sympathy and worry and kindness. Yeah.

Barbara: Is something wrong?

Dave: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm

Adam: Don't worry, you can tell us! Whenever you're ready, of course

Dave sweated. He wasn't used to having a family that loved and supported him.

Barbara: Hey, Dave. If it's hard to say, you don't have to tell us right now. You can just blurt it out randomly during dinner, okay?

Dave nodded very very quickly, that took some of the pressure off of him.

Beetlejuice placed his hand on Dave's thigh, patting and rubbing it for supper of his beloved husband.


Dinner went on. Everyone ate their food made of food with their mouths made of teeth and gums.

Dave was panicking and nervous and fearful and shaking and shivering and trembling and scared and worried and fearful and frightened.


Dave: I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!

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