Chapter 12.5: A prophecy awakens

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[the scene opens at night; there's a large, gothic style mansion atop of a hill with a small graveyard at the bottom behind an iron black gate. The camera pans up the hill and to the mansion, zooming in on the red door that's been partly painted black, with the paint bucket sitting on the doorstep]

[the camera zooms into the door and fades to inside the house; where the camera pans around various shots of different locations in the house]

[finally, the camera lands on a door with a "do not disturb" sign hung on the doorknob. The cameraman absolutely disrespects the fuck out of the sign and zooms in on the keyhole, taking the viewer inside the master bedroom]

[in bed lies horror author, October Reinhart, and infamous milk drinker, Alexander (Alex) Delarge. October is sleeping in his gown, while Alex is sleeping in a noticeably hot pink, victorian style nightgown with a MLP sleep mask]

[the pair remain asleep for a while]

October: HOOOONK mimimimimimi. HOOOONK mimimimimimi.

Alex: HOOOONK shooooo. HOOOOONK shoooooo.

October: HOOOONK mimimimimimi. HOOOONK mimimimimimi.

Alex: HOOOONK shooooo. HOOOOONK shoooooo.

October: HOOOONK mimimimimimi. HOOOONK mimimimimimi.

Alex: HOOOONK shooooo. HOOOOONK shoooooo.

October: HOOOONK mimimimimimi. HOOOONK mimimimimimi.

Alex: HOOOONK shooooo. HOOOOONK shoooooo.

October: HOOOONK mimimimimimi. HOOOONK mimimimimimi.

Alex: HOOOONK shooooo. HOOOOONK shooooo.

October: HOOOONK mimimimimimi. HOOOONK mimimimimimi.

Alex: HOOOONK shooooo. HOOOOONK shoooooo.

[okay, that's ENOUGH.]

[suddenly, October is startled awake by an unpleasant thought...duh. He shoots up in bed with a look of pure fear and horror as he catches his breath. Alex quickly wakes up, and lifts his hello kitty sleep mask to look at his, assumed, husband]

Alex: October, my wuv, what's the matter, yeah!?

October, wide-eyed: I've seen it.

Alex: S-Seen wut?

October: Davejuice chapter 13.

Alex: Wut?

October: DaveJuice chapter 13, Alex!

Alex: Luv, what on earth are you talking about?!

October: I'VE SEEN THE PROPHECY, MY DEAR! The stars have aligned, the moon is reflecting perfectly... Yes, it's all according to scripture!

[Alex stares at October, dumbfounded]

October: I have to get up! I have to do something!

Alex: October, wait-

[Alex is cut off by October throwing the covers aside and swinging his legs over the bed; the blonde grabs his cap, places it on his head, grabs a candle, and makes a mad dash to the door]

[all while he is fumbling around, a fragment of Aerosmith's "Janie's Got A Gun" is playing, specifically on the section that repeats "Run away from the pain"]

[October makes his way to the stairs, where he slips in his slippers and falls down the stairs]

October, looking at the camera and smirking: Just call me a rolling stone cause I'm- OUCH! OH HEAVENS! OH GOODNESS GRACIOUS! THAT'S SMART! OH MY! WELL, I'LL BE! YIKES!

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