Chapter 13: WUH OH!!!!

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It was a beautiful day in Mandela County, Wisconsin. That was a lie.

Every 0.0000000006 seconds an amber alert went off on every single damn tv about a missing kid or something boring like that. Idk. i was trying to drown the noise out, i wasnt reading. Were you?

You cant say yes, you weren't there...........unless.


Every 0.0000000006 seconds an amber alert went off on every single damn tv about a missing kid or something boring like that.

The amber alerts would appear on every single TV in the entirety of Mandle County, in case you're living under a rock and have 0 idea what an amber alert is.

Although, you should know what an amber alert is if you're on your device reading this thing. Maybe you're just stupid.


The amber alerts would appear on every single TV in the entirety of Mandle County, including the 800-probably TVs inside of MandleTECH.

And it was driving Evelin insane. So insane in fact, one could say she was going off the rails of her crazy train.

Every time that dumbass amber alert would go "EEEEEEEEEHA. EEEEEEEEHA. EEEEEEEEEHA. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-" the entire walls should shake from the pure loudness of those damn TVs.

Evelin was sitting on her air, on the verge of the waterfall of having a mid-life crisis at only....

Wait, how old is El?

Uh....shit, i don't know my lore! What kind of storyteller am i? How can i be the sexiest storyteller around if i can't know my lore?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Wait....nobody is gonna fact check me. Huh. ...whAT DO YOU MEAN THEY CAN HEAR M-

Every time that dumbass amber alert would go "EEEEEEEEEHA. EEEEEEEEHA. EEEEEEEEEHA. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-" the entire walls should shake from the pure loudness of those damn TVs.

Evelin was sitting on her air, on the verge of the waterfall of having a mid-life crisis at only 19 years old.

This was the 19th amber alert to go off in the span of 20 minutes. Evelin blinked her eyes slowly with her eyes and eyelids.

Was it over? Was she free!? Had her torturing finally come to an e


Evelin lifted her arms and used her hands to cover her ears with her hands so she could cover her ears. The shaking of all 800 TVs going off at once caused Evelin to fall off of her air, landing in that box of bitten in half CDs from episode 1. Remember those???

"HOW LONG IS THIS GOING TO TAKE!?" evelin said in that voice like that one guy as she t-posed and rose again on the 3rd day.

She was ANGRY.

Then evelin had an idea. The evelin got a wonderful, awful idea.

"I can't do this shit no more." evelin declared to the desk as she used her legs to walk with her legs as she used her le-

Evelin was constantly bounced into the air as she basically floated-jumped all the way to the back room so she could flick the switch and shut the power off.

Who needs power anyway? Power is soooo 1798ths.

Evelin yanked the backdoor from it's hinged and turned to give it to dave...then she remembered dave wasn't there.

":(" said Evelin as she left the door floating in mid air

...wait, what the fuck-

Evelin the air bender or whatever pulled the power-pannel-box-thingy from the wall and chucked it out of the breakroom.

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