Chapter 9: YIKERS MAN

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It was a beautiful morning in Mandela County, Wisconsin. That was a lie.

Everyone was peacefully sleeping....until Dave screamed very very loudly.

That's when the panic began. Can you believe that?

Beetlejuice: BABE!? What's wrong, honey!? What happened?!?


Dave threw back the blankets on the bed....AND HIS BELLY HAD ALREADY GOTTEN BIGGER?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!!?

Beetlejuice: OH SHIT!


Barbara, running inside their room: DAVE!? BEETLE!? WHAT'S THE MATTER!?


Barbara looked over at Dave, and her eyes widened in her signature move.

Barbara: The baby is...ALREADY growing!?

Dave: YES!!!

Beetlejuice: WHAT DO WE DO!?

Adam ran through a wall, and covered his mouth with his hand in complete shock and surprise and confusion, and......uh. Yeah.

Adam: What on earth!? Was Dave always that pregnant!?

Barbara: No! The baby grew overnight!

Dave, sobbing: Well damn, I look 4 months!!!

Beetlejuice: WHAT'S HAPPENING!?

Barbara began pacing the floors, her other classic signature move, Adam watched his wife because he just thinks she looks oh so beautiful.

Barbara: Did the book say anything?!

Beetlejuice: Nuh-uh! I couldn't find anything in that damn thing!

Adam: We need Juno!

Dave: Well damn, who!?

Adam: Juno was our caseworker when we first died, she knows alot about this stuff

All of a sudden sudden, Delia and Chalres and Lydia ran into the room and stared at the male-pregnant man.

Delia: *scream* Dave, what happened!?

Dave: W-W-W-Well d-d-damn, I don't know! I just woke up and my belly is bigger!

Charles: What on earth!?

Lydia: *takes a photo*

Adam: I'm gonna go get Juno. she'll probably know what to do!

Adam swiftly turned with his legs and ran off to find some chalk, Charles followed after him. Idk why, I was getting dust out of my eyes.

I guess they're besties.

Dave was a classic nervous wreck, his sunglasses staring at his already swollen belly. He was used to being fat, but not this fat. Come on guys.

Barbara: Are you okay, Dave? Do you want us to get you anything?

Dave: Well damn, I-I guess some water would help my nerves

Barbara nodded, clapping her hands together.

Barbara: Delia and Lydia, come help me. Let's give the husbands some time.

The ladies squad walked out of the room, Beetlejuice turned himself to his bbg.

Beetlejuice: Davey, sweetie-pie-honey-lemon. Whatever is happening, it'll be okay. You hear me?? I love you so much and you are my favorite human I've ever met

Dave: I'm scared, Beetle...I can't believe the baby is already growing!

Beetlejuice: I know, bgg. But we're gonna get help and we're gonna be some kick-ass awesome dads. Okay bgg?

Dave: Beetlejuice?

Beetlejuice: Yuh?

Dave: I feel the baby moving......

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