Chapter 8: DUN DUN DUUUUN!?

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It was late into the late hours of the night.

Beetlejuice was laying in his best with his bbg while reading the handbook for the recently diseased.



Beetlejuice flipped through the many bookful pages of the bookfully bookful book. Trying to figure out how to read. He couldn't read a damn thing of this.

"Have you found anything, babe?" Dave questioned questionfully.

"No." Said Beetlejuice with his mouth.

Beetlejuice turned his head like an owl to look at his beloved husband.

"You should sleep bbg. I know rest is important to pregnant folks." He said smartly.

Dave nodded, making himself comfortable before snoring very suddenly. It was super weird. How did he fall asleep so fast? It's uncanny.

Beetlejuice turned him eyes to le book and flipped through some even more pages full of complete nonsense and bullhunky.

Bullhunky....where in the fuck have i heard that?

All of a spooky sudden. A window broke loudly.

Beetlejuice looked over like an owl and his eyes were as big as the biggest basketball you've ever seen!

"Hello?" Beetlejuice asked very curiously and confusedly while he squinted squintingly into the kinda dark bedroom. There's no electricity that high into the house. Just candles.

The loud sound of the wooshing wind was coming from the window that had been smashed.

No. not like that.

Beetlejuice moved his legs and lifted himself from his bed. He slid across the floor and examined the window with his eyes. Shocking.

"Who's there?" Beetlejuice questioned with rage and confusion and demand and authority and seriousness and deadliness. Yeah.

The room was silent....that was a lie.

Dave was still snoring.

All of a sudden sudden, Beetlejuice whipped around and stretched his arm into the darkness, grabbing ahold of someone's shirt.

The someone screamed.

Beetlejuice reeled his arm in like a fishing rod and brought the someone into the moonlight.

Why do people say they use the moonlight to see? You can't see anything with the moon. It's too far away. Dumb saying, i hate it.

The someone was.........OTHO!?!?!?!?!

The audience gasped in surprise and Beetlejuice glared glaringly at the fat man.

"Otho!?!?!?!" Beetlejuice growled loudly as he forced Otho to sit in a random chair that Beetlejuice just spawned into existence.

"Beetlejuice!!!!" Otho growled back. Idk why he's growling, he's afraid of BJ.

"What do you think you're doing here you scumbag ratass?" Beetlejuice demanded in a very scary way, it was so spooky.

Otho smirked like the cocky bastard he really is, "I heard the news, Beetlebastard."

">:0" Said Beetlejuice.

">:)" Said Otho.

"What are you talking about?!?!?!?!?!" Beetlejuice snarled and growled and grabbed Otho by his shoulders and shook him with rage.

"MWAHAHA." Otho laughed evilly as he propped his arms behind his head, "You're a daddy, huh??" The ratass questioned with his smug ass face.

"Don't you DARE bring my husband and baby into your shitty shit-fuck!!!!!" Beetlejuice roared.

I'm running out of words like growl, snarl, and roar.

"AHA. SO YOU ARE A DAD!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Otho gasped very so loudly, his hands flying to his cheeks like the Home Alone pose. You know the one.

Beetlejuice blinked like an owl, then socker punched Otho in ratass face and sent him flying through a window.

Beetlejuice then walked him legs back to him bed and bbg and flopped onto bed. Beetlejuice picked the handbook for the recently dammed.



Beetlejuice began reading again hoping to find something to help his bbg.

Should i use bbg for Dave? It means "babyGIRL"....

Is BBB any better? Probably not.

Oh shit, the chapter's over.

WAIT!!!!! Let me say someth

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