Chapter 12: UP IN THE SKY

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Meanwhile in wherever-the-unholy-hell:

A twink-looking angel paced with his legs around the church with his legs with an angry look of angered anger.

He was FURIOUS!!!!!!

He couldn't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His own human vessel had abandoned the twink-angel and is ignoring his brain-washing messages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

HOW COULD THAT BE POSSIBLE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

IT WASN'T FAIR!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!!?!?!???!?!

"Can you believe this, Intruder!?!?!" Gabriel complained, snapping his neck all the way around like the girl from the exorcist to stare at his little goblin hitchman.

Intruder was eating his 40th case of Jeez-itz when Gabriel scared the fuck out of him. He quickly and fastly stood him body up with he legs and saluted his mastermind thing.

"That FOOL thinks he can just ignore me for some................some...................................some........................................................SOME BUG-MAN!?!?!?!?!" Gabriel snarled, his big wings ruffling as his feathers were ruffled.

Intruder offered his leader some of his Jeez-its, the twink-angel shoved his hand in the box and took a handful of the Jeez-its and crammed them in his mouth.

What's that?

They're not called that....? Huh, what are you-...?

It's called Sacramental bread?

I ain't fucking calling them that.

"What am I gonna do, Intruder!?!?!?!??!" Gabriel growled as he used his mouth and teeth to eat his beloved Jeez-its.

"Well. maybe you can get his attention in a new way." Intruder suggested like a wise-guy as he looked around for some of that delicious church wine stuff.

No, seriously. Have you had that stuff? Tastes good AF! It slaps! It's the bomb! It's-

Gabriel looked down at his little minion, both literally and figuratively, raising his eyebrow as high as ever at his little himbo's idea. "What do you mean, you blob?".

Intruder slinkyed his body across the church to get that sweet sweet Jesus-juice and slinkyed back over to his master, "have you tried doing something new to get his attention?" he questioned like his master was a dumbass.

Gabriel blinked extremely slowly like an owl before leaning his tall ass body down to be face to face with his little goblin man.

Intruder stared up at his dominate-daddy.

Gabriel stared at his submissive-sweetheart.

wtf was that.

"Like what, you silly-billy?" The twink-angel asked with that big ass grin of his. You know the one.

"Maybe we can do something big?" the blob-man suggested while drinking his jesus-juice

"Like what?" Twink-angel asked again doing that bigass smile again.

"Maybe we could....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................





..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................kidnap his employee, evelin?" asked the living blob man

"You're a goddamn genius." the twink-angel with the most evilest evil smile ever!!!!!

Were they actually going to ruin Dave's marriage over Dave ignoring their tricks.......................................?

FIND OUT NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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