Chapter 14.5: The no good news

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[the scene fades from black into the shot of a busy city, specifically focusing on a giant building labeled "Elsner Siblings INC.". The camera zooms in until the cameraman absolutely disrespects the fancy building by breaking a window to get inside. The camera quickly pans to a man running down a hallway.

[it's Greg the peepaw!!!!! The audience gasps and cheers. He's dressed in a sharply sharp red suit with his blondely blond hair tied into a ponytailly ponytail]

[Greg stops outside of a large door, and the cameraman actually doesn't disrespect the fuck out of the door by looking through the keyhole. The door is a large red door partly painted black with a golden plaque with "BOSSES" engraved into it and painted in silver. Greg knocks on the door, and it slowly opens on its own]

[as the door opens, the song "Oogie Boogie's song" begins playing quietly as Greg rushes into the room. Once Greg enters, the door slams shut]

[the office is only lit by one red lamp. The gothic themed room has shelves running along each sides of the walls, and a large desk in the middle with two chairs facing away from the camera]

Greg, struggling with his words: I'm sorry for my sudden intrusion, but this is serious. You aren't going to like this...

[Greg holds a poster up towards the chairs]

[the chairs slowly turn around, revealing the silhouettes of Mr.October and Mr.Chris; they open their eyes, their eyes glow red as they eye Greg]

[the music swells]

October: Well, well, well... What have we here?

Chris: A Beetlejuice sequel? Oooh, I'm really scared!

October: So, that's the thing everybody's talking about?! Mwah-hah-haha!

[the bosses rise in sync, and begin creeping towards Greg, Greg freezes in place]

October & Chris, in sync: You're joking, you're joking! I can't believe my eyes! You're joking me, you gotta be! This can't be the real deal!

[the bosses vanish into the shadows. Greg looks around]

Chris, appearing on Greg's left: It's pointless!

October, appearing on Greg's right: It's a cash-grab!

Chris and October: I don't know which is worse!

Chris: We might have cracked a smile if we known we died laughing first.

[the bosses vanish into the shadows again, then suddenly appear in front of Greg, he jumps and stands up straighter]

Chris: Pray tell, Gregory. How did you find out about this copycat of our work?

Greg: Th-The trailer just dropped on Youtube today, it's spread like wildfire among the horror lovers

October: Vile. Do they not know that Elsners Siblings INC. has already made a wonderful Beetlejuice sequel... Or do they know and choose to IGNORE the beauty before them!?

Greg: I-I-I don't know, sirs, but-

Chris: Who has created this monstrosity, Gregory?

Greg: Tim Burton, sirs.

[Chris and October slowly look at each other, scowling collectively; they murmur something to each other before turning back to Greg. October snatches the poster from Greg, while Chris points at him]

Chris: Gregory, get The Menace Girls. Tell them they have a job to do.

Greg: And what job will that be, sirs?

October: Find Tim Burton... And bring him to us. Alive.

[Greg turns and opens the door, running down the hallway once again, the cameraman's slow ass follows him. Greg reaches an elevator and pries the doors open and gets in]

[there's an uncomfortably long scene of Greg and Henry standing silently in the elevator as Pink Floyd plays over a distorted speaker. The floor gets to the right floor, and Greg runs off]

[ominous music plays as Greg rushes down a hallway and stops at another door, shout out to the cameraman who stopped disrespecting doors and read the paint job on the door]

[barely legible under a ton of claw markings and blood, the door reads "The Menace Girls"]

[Greg opens the door, and a flying axe barely misses his face; he looks over at the three girls in the room]

[Maika The Striking is propped against a barely stable desk, sharpening her red nails on a knife sharpener]

[Angel The Clever is sitting on a clawed up chair while reading a book about disposing a body]

[Cakey The Horrid is standing in a corner, laughing under a muzzle as she was the one who threw the axe]

[they all three look up at Greg]

Greg: The bosses has assigned you a job

Maika: And what's that?

Greg: They need you to bring them Tim Burton, harmed but alive, you hear?

[The Menace Girls all look around at each other, then begin to cackle]

Maika: They can count on us.

Angel: Leave it to us.

Cakey: They have nothing to worry about!

[The Menace Girls all cackle louder as Greg closes the door]

[end scene]

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