Wedding, pussy drinking, pussy licking, fucking

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Wedding, pussy drinking, pussy licking, fucking
Wedding, pussy drinking, pussy licking, fucking
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When Ji Huairen woke up, he was lying on a strange bed with no one around him, his body was quite refreshed, but the chastity belt was brought back again, Ji Huairen took a closer look and found that this chastity belt was different from the last one, it should be It was the one Yu Ci ordered, and it was much more comfortable than the last one.

Ji Huairen got down from the bed and found his mobile phone and a key on the bedside. He opened WeChat, and Yu Ci left two messages.

Yu Ci: Rest at home for a day, I will help you ask for leave for the director, the food is already ready, let’s heat it up yourself.

Yu Ci: The key to the chastity belt is placed next to the phone, and I open it when I go to the toilet. At other times, I have to be conscious, and I will conduct a video inspection.

Ji Huairen sent back a message.

Ji Huairen: The puppy knows.

Yu Ci didn't reply, it seemed that he was busy, Ji Huairen found a few clothes in the closet and put them on, then went to the bathroom with the key, Ji Huairen's face was bright red when he came out.

When Ji Huairen walked to the dining room, he found that there were many kinds of breakfast on the table, such as steamed stuffed buns, deep-fried dough sticks, bread... Ji Huairen couldn't laugh or cry, he couldn't eat so much!

Ji Huairen took a plate of buns and a bowl of porridge, went into the kitchen to heat them up, and then began to eat breakfast.

Ji Huairen held the bun in one hand and the phone in the other, putting down the bun from time to time to have a sip of porridge.

When Ji Huairen opened WeChat, he saw many WeChat messages from his agent, Fang Jie, but he didn’t dare to open them, but skipped opening Yu Ci’s WeChat. Since early death is death, he chose to die later .

But the sky didn't work out, a phone call came, and it said Sister Fang, the agent, Ji Huairen took a deep breath, connected as if he was dead, and said cautiously: "Hello, Sister Fang.

Sister Fang sneered: "Hello, Ji Huairen, you are so kind. You have only been in the group for a few days, and you have recognized a master so quickly, who is also the famous actor Yu. Yo, our Huairen is really charming."

Ji Huairen was about to break out in a cold sweat, "Sister, I was wrong." Sister, you are so weird and frightening.

Sister Fang: "What did you do wrong, why don't I know."

Ji Huairen said with a guilty conscience: "My mistake is that I should not recognize Yu Ci as the master."

Sister Fang sneered: "Listen to your tone, do you believe what you say?"

Ji Huairen was silent, not knowing what to say.

Sister Fang took a deep breath, "How many times have I told you before that you can flirt and flirt, but it's different if you recognize the master. Your future can be directly tied to him. Forget it, it's over. At this point, it’s useless to say these things. Fortunately, you still have vision, and you recognize that the master’s character is not bad. I’ve already talked to his agent, and they won’t interfere with your career too much.”

Ji Huairen's voice was slightly hoarse, "Thank you, Sister Fang, don't worry, Yu Ci will treat me very well."

Sister Fang: "Don't worry? Why should I worry, you have caused so many things in just a few days. It's okay, you have a rest today, and then you can finish filming your tricks." After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone.

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