Chapter 2 - I think there is a ghost at my school

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Taehyun must have stared at him the whole time he had stood in the classroom as his face showed a glimpse of satisfaction when Soobin finally noticed him standing there.

"Oh hell..." Yeonjun mumbled in front of Soobin and looked at the smaller one standing in front of the class.

He looked prettier than Soobin remembered. His hair has gotten a bit longer and was now bright red. Before, Soobin always remembered him with his silver hair but now he was colorful and bright, like a cherry. The color made him seem more cheerful even though his face didn't even have a smile on it.

"Okay! Taehyun, you can sit right there, next to Soobin." Soobin watched as Taehyun walked up to the empty seat right next to him on the left and didn't take his eyes off of him until he sat down and put his bag next to his desk.

Soobin felt his hands begin to sweat from the thought of Taehyun sitting right next to him. The last time he had talked to him was in the hospital. Almost two months of no interaction with each other and Soobin still felt like exploding when seeing his small face so close to his'. Well he wasn't that close to him than when he kissed him right next to the street in Ratport City, but it was closer than it was the whole summer holiday.

He should look at him again to be sure that he was actually real and not just an halluzination of Soobin, an aftermath for thinking about him all summer without actually seeing or talking to him. Soobin turned his head to Taehyun and caught him still having his eyes laying on him. His gaze was calm as always and in no way embarrassed when Soobin caught him staring. Did he want to say something?

Soobin faced forward again and fixed his attention on the teacher, who started writing on the board. He could feel Taehyun's attention laying on him. He was scared to move or do anything. Taehyun could see every move of him. The thought of it made him nervous. Soobin could feel his nervousness biting on his lower lip and he should probably stop with it as Taehyun could see it very clearly. Soobin hoped that his nervousness wasn't that obvious.

The entire lesson, Soobin had his mind fixed on Taehyun. It would have been the same if Taehyun wouldn't sit right next to him, but now his mind was full of the thought of him actually being here and not about how Soobin wished he was here. He didn't write a single thing on his paper except the dark, carved in line at the edge of it that he drew over and over again.

Soobin couldn't talk to him. He couldn't talk to him, he was too nervous, too excited. He would be too loud and annoying, Taehyun wouldn't like that. Maybe Taehyun wouldn't even want to talk to him. That would be better, keeping a distance between each other.

The lesson was about to end and with every minute passing, the excited, nervous, anxious feeling crawled up Soobin's chest and almost poured out of his mouth. It wasn't that present in the summer holiday but now that Taehyun was right next to him again, Soobin felt it in his whole body how much he actually liked this boy. So annoying.

The teacher ended the lesson and Soobin jumped out of his seat and almost ran out of the classroom. He quickly walked through the hallways and hoped that Taehyun wouldn't follow him or that he wouldn't see him turn into another hallway.

He reached his blue locker in the second hallway and unlocked it with quick fingers, hiding his face behind the locker's door.

Soobin took deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling while he stared down the school books inside of his locker. His heart beat faster than it did in PE lesson and the anxious feeling ate up his insides, making it harder for him to think straight. He closed his eyes shut and waited for the unrealistic reality to vanish.

Almost two months he waited for it to happen and now as it did happen it was like a truck hitting his chest and throwing him across the street, leaving him totally shocked and confused. It felt as impossible as the car accident, but now his heart felt like it was exploding instead of his head.

Lovesick // TOMORROW X TOGETHER [TaeBin / SooKai]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu