Chapter 8 - For the first time I'm not the fifth wheel

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It was awkward. Yet again. Soobin felt the same as back then in the motel. But there was a difference. When he looked at Taehyun, he knew that everything was fine between them. Taehyun held Soobin's right hand, fiddling with his fingers in his lap while talking with Kai.

But when Soobin looked at Kai he felt uneasy. And comforted. He liked that Kai was with him. There was a pressure in his chest that released itself the minute he saw Kai in person again. A tension Soobin didn't know existed.

"I like the fairy lights on your wall. Gives this room a magical touch to it." Kai stated and pointed at the lights above his head while staring at them in awe. Soobin found his slanted ceiling to be too boring to look at, so he got himself some fairy lights from the dollar store he then hung up above his bed. They were rather old so he didn't really think that that would be the thing someone would point out first.

"Thank you." Soobin replied, with his voice being a little too quiet than anticipated.

"I like your room." Taehyun then spoke up and calmly surveyed his surroundings. Soobin smiled at him mildly, slightly squeezing his hand as Taehyun continued to fiddle with Soobin's fingers whilst observing his room.

"So, do you mind telling me what the fight was all about or was it just a random fight that you instigated?" Kai now raised the burning question, his big curious eyes being fixed at the slightly taller one.

"No, it wasn't like that." Soobin spoke out loud, louder than expected.

"It was because of Yeonjun. He started beating up that guy who talked bad about...Beomgyu."

"Ahh." Kai hummed and nodded his head in understanding.

"Well, good for Yeonjun. Beating someone up releases stress. I bet he felt great afterwards."

"Not really." Taehyun spoke interposed. Soobin looked over to him, meeting Taehyun's gaze.

"I mean, I saw him in the medical room when I went to get the first aid kit. He was treating his hands and he didn't look that happy." Taehyun turned to look at Kai, explaining to him how Yeonjun was actually feeling.

"Didn't look much different than usual. A bit more angry, I guess." Taehyun's gaze stopped at the bedspread in front of him, looking in no one's faces.

"I spoke to him about the fight and told him to let your name out of it in case a teacher comes up asking about anyone's injuries."

Soobin lifted his brows in surprise. He didn't know about any of that. Did Taehyun ever consider telling him or did he speak it up just because Kai asked? Soobin's cheeks went red and he wondered why.

Why was he blushing? Why did he feel little tingles crawling up his skin when hearing about what Taehyun said to Yeonjun? He didn't want Soobin to get in any trouble for his stupid act. He tried to protect him.

"Very considerate, my guy." Kai broke the silence and patted Taehyun on the shoulder proudly. Taehyun looked over into Soobin's face and stared at his surprised gaze.

"That answers my question of how Yeonjun is doing. But another question I do ask myself is how there were no teachers getting just a glimpse of that infamous fight you had today?"

"The teachers who supervise the breaks always make out behind the football field." Soobin answered Kai's question while his eyes remained on Taehyun.

Kai broke out laughing with his blaring laughter filling the whole room. It stopped Taehyun and Soobin from staring at each other and after a while of listening to Kai laughing, the two of them started chuckling too as the thought of it grew funnier and the sound Kai was making was amusing to listen to.

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