Chapter 3 - The boy I like, likes me too

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The first school day of his last year was like hell for Soobin. And heaven. But mostly hell because he had to think about Taehyun being in the same building as him, only a few rooms away from him, waiting for him to walk him home. Taehyun wanted to walk him home. Soobin felt his pen slip away from his fingers and he bent down to pick it up from the ground again.

Thinking about Taehyun made his basic skills seem like hard tasks.

After the too few breaks and the discouraging conversation with Yeonjun in the cafeteria, it was finally the time for Taehyun and Soobin to be alone. Soobin ran past the few students, who were also still in school, and opened the entrance door, immediately searching for the boy smaller than him.

He spotted Taehyun leaning against the wall at the school gate, casually watching the people leave the school building. When Taehyun locked eyes with Soobin, he didn't take his gaze off of him and watched Soobin walking up to him.

"Hi." Soobin breathed and stopped right in front of Taehyun when reaching him close enough.

"Hi." Taehyun replied and smiled at him gently. He pushed himself off the wall and towards Soobin, lifting his left hand forward to take Soobin's hand into his'.

Soobin's heart released a million fireworks that could be felt in the hand that Taehyun was holding. It would continue for as long as he would hold his hand but Soobin didn't mind. It was a great feeling.

"Ready? You have to lead the way, I don't know where you live."

"Yeah, let's go!"

On their way to Soobin's house, they talked about many things. Insignificant things and significant things, like Yeonjun. Soobin recalled the lunch break today, where he went up to Yeonjun and asked him how he was doing.

"Fine." Yeonjun had mumbled and looked down to his lunch box right in front of him. Soobin followed his gaze and observed the neatly made lunch for him. There were all kinds of fruits and vegetables and two sandwiches that were neatly cut in half with a knife. Soobin asked himself how Yeonjun should eat all this in one hour.

"Did your mom make that?" Soobin asked curiously with wide open eyes.

"Yeah. And?" Yeonjun replied snarky.

"Why don't you eat it? It looks like she put a lot of effort into it."

"Because I'm not hungry, okay?!" Yeonjun exclaimed and looked up to Soobin with an angry and tired face. Soobin stepped back a little but not much for anyone to notice.

"Okay. Sorry, I just wanted to ask."

"Yeah. I know." His voice wasn't calm at all. Yeonjun brought out his hand from his lap and put his fingers on the lid of the lunch box, fiddling with the closure.

"Taehyun is here." Soobin changed the topic to ease the tension but it couldn't be eased when he still talked to Yeonjun, bothering him with every second he stood in his space.

"I noticed. He was practically standing in front of me."

"Yeah?" Soobin scratched the back of his head.

"Aren't you surprised? I didn't believe it at first and I thought that he didn't like me anymore because he didn't answer my calls or read any of my texts but then he was standing there like a ghost or something." Soobin nervously laughed.

"Soobin, I don't care." Yeonjun's voice was clear and strict, something that Soobin didn't like. It made him uncomfortable and the look on his face made it very clear that Yeonjun was annoyed with Soobin and that he didn't want to talk to him.

Soobin wanted to walk out of the cafeteria. His big figure standing in front of Yeonjun attracted too much attention, even though Yeonjun was the only one fully perceiving him. And it was already too much for Soobin.

Lovesick // TOMORROW X TOGETHER [TaeBin / SooKai]Where stories live. Discover now