[Chapter 22 - The meadow of my pain]

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Song Recommendation for this Chapter:  "Ascension" by Sarah Kinsley / "In the bathtub of the world" by Tyler Burkhart

Yeonjun's POV

The warm summer breeze grazed his skin and tickled his cheek. His eyes were closed, but he could feel the hot sun shining down on him, embracing him into its glow. Yeonjun could feel the picnic blanket beneath him, felt the fabric at the tips of his fingers and the hard ground beneath him.

He had his head propped up on his right arm and his legs were tangled together. His breathing was as steady and calm as the wind that blew through his hair. He could hear the birds chirping in the trees a few meters behind him, before him. His attention lingered on the sound of the trees weighing in the breeze and on the smell of fresh grass and wood.

Another breeze hit his skin, but the tickle came from something else. He wrinkled his nose as the tickling got too much to handle and after reluctantly opening his eyes, he saw who was the cause of this.

Yeonjun had to smile at the sight of him. Beomgyu hovered above him with a blade of grass in his hand with which he traced Yeonjun's facial features with. He put on a wide, teasing smile with his teeth showing as Yeonjun looked at him with growing annoyance.

"Did I bother you?" Beomgyu asked, acting dumbfounded. His teasing smile never left his face even when Yeonjun showed signs of coming at him with the next stupid thing that would leave Beomgyu's mouth.

"Are you trying to get on my nerves?" Yeonjun softly asked, but his tone didn't show how fed up he was with Beomgyu's teasing.

"Maybe." Beomgyu answered and started tickling Yeonjun again with the blade of grass, particularly the tip of his nose.

Yeonjun had the urge to giggle and let Beomgyu do whatever he wanted to, but instead he leapt up and started to chase after him. Beomgyu already sensed Yeonjun's next move and was able to stand up quick enough for Yeonjun to not grab him by the legs.

Beomgyu quickly sought the wide and ran away from him with a bright scream coming up his throat. He was laughing and screaming simultaneously, which made Yeonjun laugh but he didn't stop or even considered stopping to chase after him.

They ran across the large meadow that was enclosed by trees, moving serenely in the wind. The meadow was overgrown with lots of different flowers here and there, but it mostly consisted of different types of grass that reached to their ankles. Yeonjun could feel the wind brushing his face and arms as he was eager to catch Beomgyu in the next mere seconds.

Beomgyu wasn't really faster than Yeonjun, but he had a good head start beforehand as Yeonjun wasn't really good at hiding his thoughts very well. He knew very well what was going to happen and to think of it, maybe Beomgyu wanted Yeonjun to chase him. Maybe he wanted to have this kind of fun of running around the enclosed meadow that was only theirs.

And before he could think of where to run next, Yeonjun grabbed Beomgyu by the waist and prevented him from running away any further. Beomgyu let out an ear throbbing scream, but that was okay for Yeonjun. Beomgyu's loud voice drowned out the noise in Yeonjun's head.

Because Beomgyu fidgeted around in Yeonjun's arms too much, he couldn't hold them both steadily anymore and they both fell into the grass with Yeonjun laying on top of Beomgyu. They couldn't help but laugh at this. At their silly chasing game and Beomgyu's dramatical scream.

"You are slow like a sloth." Yeonjun said as he gasped for air. He cupped Beomgyu's left cheek and caressed it with his thumb with a supple movement.

"And you are mad like a ferocious cat." Beomgyu snapped back, leaning his face more into Yeonjun's palm.

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