Chapter 5 - How not to stop a fist fight

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(Trigger Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence / Homophobia)

Outside it was warm and sunny, so most of the students decided to eat outside in the schoolyard today. On the right side of the school gate, two to three small basketball courts were lined up right next to the big metal fences that demarcated the school grounds. The basketball fields were used the most when the sun was shining, but they were also not empty on rainy days.

Right next to the small playing fields was the big schoolyard, separated from them and the school building by being lowered into the ground and surrounded by walls with the same material as the floor was made out of. The school is placed on a little hill as why the schoolyard is only accessible by walking down the stairs that are built on the left and right side of the place.

The schoolyard is filled with tables and benches of all kinds and structure. Some benches are built in the walls and some are placed in the middle of the schoolyard, weirdly shaped but you can still sit on it.

A big tree, enclosed with benches, positioned itself opposite of the area where all the tables were headed, bringing a big shadow upon the schoolyard which without it is fully released to the bright sun. With the tree, there are many different climbing plants hanging off the walls surrounding the schoolyard, bringing more life and oxygen to the place than it was needed.

Soobin liked it outside. There was the fresh air and the warm sun. It was colder in the cafeteria, which was an advantage in the real hot summer days, but Soobin would rather be outside than crammed in a room where everything smells like food.

Other than Soobin, Taehyun liked it inside more. But Soobin convinced him to go outside today during the lunch break. Sometimes it seemed as if Taehyun would do anything just to make Soobin a little happier.

They sat on a table in the middle of the schoolyard, people chattering around them while Soobin ate his lunch. His left hand was resting calmly beside him and it didn't last long until Taehyun took Soobin's hand into his own again.

"Let's hang out after school." Taehyun spoke up, casually eating his yogurt in the meanwhile.

Soobin choked on his food a little, not much that he needed to cough. He hadn't told Taehyun about Kai wanting to come over today. He couldn't stop thinking about it all weekend but it didn't come to mind to talk about it with anyone. Soobin thought to himself that it wasn't a big deal. It wasn't a big deal, really. So telling Taehyun the news wouldn't do much harm.

"Actually, Kai wanted to come over today." Soobin spoke so carefully as if to not upset him.

"Oh, okay." Taehyun said understanding. Soobin looked at him and waited for a reaction that he expected in his mind, but there didn't come one.

"Yeah, Kai asked me about your number a while ago. Must have been that."

"So you are not... mad?" Soobin asked more carefully.

"No, why would I?" Taehyun had his eyes fixed on him with a confused expression on his face, wondering what the issue could be while Soobin looked at him also confused, asking himself if Taehyun wasn't jealous at all.

"I don't know." Soobin exclaimed with a dramatic tone, seemingly trying to cover up the sudden awkwardness. Taehyun furrowed his brows in confusion but didn't say anything more to it.

"Then we can hang out some other time." Taehyun suggested and turned his attention back to his yogurt. Soobin let his gaze linger on Taehyun a while more, thinking about how awkward the day was going to be.

"You can come to me today." Soobin stated and Taehyun turned his head to him again with lifted brows.

"I don't think...I can do this without you." There was no way he could speak normally when being with Kai alone. Either if it was because of his intimidating self or because of the strange feeling in Soobin's chest. As an introvert, he knew how certain scenarios would go and so he was sure that hanging out with Kai alone would be astronomically awkward.

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