Chapter 13 - My bumpy love confession

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Song Recommendation for this Chapter: "soobin and taehyun's playlist"

The sound of the polaroid camera being used interrupted the quiet music playing in Soobin's room. Soobin slowly parted his lips from Taehyun's cheek and averted his attention to the camera that was developing the picture in the meantime.

"Does Twilight really go into the 'bad movie' scheme?" Taehyun asked and looked over to the TV on which the movie was playing.

"Twilight is the best movie of all time and the worst movie I have ever seen at the same time. And I don't want to watch movies which are just 'bad'. That's boring." Soobin just answered and pulled the picture out of the camera.

"Let me see."

Taehyun took the picture out of Soobin's hands and stared patiently at it, waiting for the two of them to be seen in the picture. Meanwhile Soobin fixed his gaze at Taehyun and smiled a little at his big, curious eyes. He looked just like a cat.

Soobin had waited impatiently for the weekend to come as the two of them would finally have their first sleepover together. And up until now they did everything that was on Soobin's to-do list from watching 'bad movies', wearing ugly pajamas to making out while their playlist was playing in the background.

The last point in this case happened a lot more times than the number of movies they had already watched. Soobin's lips already felt like two slippery, smooth, numb parts of his body that seemed to be detached from himself, but if that was the only consequence of kissing Kang Taehyun, then he would gladly sacrifice his lips for it again and again.

"Ah, how embarrassing." Taehyun called out and Soobin moved closer to him to look at the picture.

"What is it?"

"If anyone sees this they might tease me to death with it."

Soobin saw Taehyun's face with a bright smile on it. It was probably brighter than the sun would ever be and it was the first time to see such a smile on Taehyun's face. Soobin had to grin at this sight. He couldn't believe that Taehyun could feel such a thing as embarrassment as he always had such a 'I couldn't care less' mentality.

"I thought you didn't care what others thought of you."

"I don't, but if you put this on your wall..." Taehyun pointed at the wall on their right and Soobin looked at all the pictures he had taken with Kai.

"...I fear that Kai will never stop teasing me for it."

Soobin had to chuckle at that. Kang Taehyun, fearing for the maniac laughs of Kai pointed at him for loving his boyfriend. It was hilarious.

"I understand your problem." Soobin reassured and took the picture from Taehyun and observed it.

"No one would be pleased to look at a face so disgustingly happy. I should burn it."

"Don't you dare." Taehyun exclaimed and threw his body on Soobin's chest, his face just inches away from Soobin's. He snatched the picture from him and looked at Soobin with big, looming eyes. Soobin could see his gaze wandering down to his lips and up at his eyes again. His tongue licking his lips unobtrusively, showed Soobin of what would come next.

Taehyun put the picture he held in his hand in the chest pocket of his pajamas and continued to embrace Soobin's waist while going into yet another passionate kiss. Soobin immediately returned the kiss by opening his mouth a bit and pressing his lips against Taehyun's. Smooth, sweet, cute, soft, tickly, enchanting, bright, explosive, hot, intimate. The kiss felt like a lot of things that Soobin could mostly not even determine. But what he knew was that it felt good. Very good.

Lovesick // TOMORROW X TOGETHER [TaeBin / SooKai]Where stories live. Discover now