Chapter 15 - The carousel is postponed. Or not?

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Song Recommendation for this Chapter: "mirrorball" and "invisible string" by Taylor Swift

Soobin watched as the carousel spun in circles, reflecting its shimmering light on the trees and making the surrounding area seem drowned in millions of stars. He found the place magical, not only because it was the only real attraction in the central park, but also because it was hidden among all the closely spaced trees. It felt like its own enchanted world, separate from the real world. Soobin felt that he could escape the real world if he would be at the carousel forever.

He looked down at his phone and looked at the time. It was near 6pm and Soobin was still the only one sitting on a bench next to the carousel. He waited for Taehyun to come as they agreed to meet up at this time right here, but there was still no sign of him. Soobin typed down a message, asking when he would come, and sent it right away.

He didn't mind spending a little time alone in a place like this. The gold-adorned horses trotting around on the carousel made the place seem livelier than it actually was. Only now and then did a skateboarder or bicyclist pass by, but only few chose to stay there and look at the carousel. While Soobin waited, he had hoped that a passerby with a dog would come around at this place. Usually there were many dogs walking through the park with their owners. Once he saw a man with a Welsh Corgi sitting on the bench where Soobin was now sitting, and he got to pet the dog. He was sad that none came today.

A small vibration coming from his phone shifted Soobin's attention back to his original purpose of being there.

Taehyun <3

i'm sorry, i can't make it today

my mom needs help with renovating the kitchen

and it needs to be done asap

but we can postpone the date to another day

i promise i will be there then

Don't worry, it's okay !

i'm sorry, really :(

i love you

I love you too :)

Soobin locked his phone and looked at the carousel again. He was sad and disappointed. He was so excited to see Taehyun today, it almost made his heart shrivel up like a raisin. It wasn't a good feeling. Soobin thought that he had overcome the strong feeling of missing Taehyun even though they saw each other two days ago, but he guessed that it simply would never go away. Ever.

He decided to keep sitting on the bench for a few more minutes as the circling carousel captivated him with its miraculous spirit. The carousel drew him under such a strong spell, that Soobin didn't notice the people passing by his bench or the dog owners sitting across him for a good ten minutes. It felt like his soul got engulfed by the shimmering lights and what remained in his body was only a lucent glow of calmness.

Soobin thought that not a single person could disturb this calm.

"Soobin?!" A shrill voice yelled out his name and it was clear who this person could only be.

Soobin looked over to where the voice came from and saw Kai hopping off his skateboard and jogging over to him. He shouldn't have thought that no one could destroy his peace, because there would always be that one person who could do it in just seconds.

Lovesick // TOMORROW X TOGETHER [TaeBin / SooKai]Where stories live. Discover now