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Santana's point of view

Kihyun is sleeping like a baby, must be nice.

I sigh untangling myself from him and the blankets. It's three in the morning and I'm wide awake, eyes alert like an owl. Thank God I'm working from home tomorrow or I'd look like a zombie through the halls of the hospital.

Surprisingly Wonho is up too, sitting on the counter eating a tub of ice-cream.

My ice-cream.

I don't hit him with a spoon because something must be wrong, he's not a midnight snacker. Usually I catch Jooheon with a cookie hanging from his mouth, or Shownu squirting whip cream in his mouth occasionally.

Me: Baby, what's wrong?
Wonho: Hey. I can't sleep, what're you doing up?
Me: Same.

I hop up on the counter sitting next to him. I open my mouth as he holds a scoop of ice cream to my lips. Cold, chocolatey, and almondy; not a word but so what.

Wonho: Sorry for not telling you about Lila.
Me: It's alright I guess. How are you feeling about everything?

He shrugs.

Wonho: That was an evil thing for Leroy to do.
Me: Yeah he's a shitty person no doubt.

But I have to thank him for bringing me to my soulmates.

Wonho: I don't think she meant to be malicious reaching out.
Me: Me either, it was just a bit blindsiding. So what happened after the talk?

He sighs.

Wonho: I told her she should continue with therapy.
Me: With me?
Wonho: I know, I know. But Santana she really needs someone. That girl is not mentally stable.
Me: There's so many other therapists.
Wonho: But none as good as you!
Me: Flattery gets you nowhere.

He pouts his lip like a sad puppy making me sigh.

Me: Fine.

I giggle as he grabs me kissing all over my face.


Putting the Lila drama aside for a second, Jooheon's birthday is narrowing in and I have a lot more planning to do. Hyungwon insisted on a party planner but I denied that offer because they just won't do it like me.

Xiao's yacht is so beautiful. I decided to come out here on it so I can see exactly how much space I'm working with, and the short answer is: a lot.

Xiaojun: I hope it meets your standards.
Me: It's above and beyond, thank you again.
Xiaojun: Anything for you, you know that.

I look at my notebook seeing that I don't have a color scheme picked out. My pen bounces up and down on the paper making Xiaojun rolls his eyes.

Xiaojun: Doesn't he run around saying he's a wasp? Do those colors.

I giggle.

Me: You mean a bumblebee? His name is Joohoney.
Xiaojun: Same difference they both buzz and get on my nerves.
Me: What doesn't get on your nerves?

He smiles at me.


Xiaojun shoots Changkyun a glare.

Xiaojun: Speaking of on my nerves.
Me: Is yellow and black a good party theme for him?
Changkyun: Considering his stage name yeah, but it isn't too October friendly. Black yes, yellow no. Maybe if we threw orange in there.
Xiaojun: Is this a birthday party or Halloween party?
Changkyun: Who asked you?
Xiaojun: Your wife.

They begin to bicker and I tell them to shut up.

They do.

Me: I have to talk to Char about catering.
Xiaojun: I'd have my restaurants do it.
Me: That's nice of you but Jooheon has a thing for Char's specialized caramel glazed dumplings. If they're not at that party he's going to throw us all overboard.

My work phone goes off, which is actually rare considering no one ever contacts it. My eyes widen when I see YangYang texting about a patient name Lila at the office requesting an emergency visit from me.

What the hell?

I sigh handing Changkyun my notebook.

Me: I'm trusting you to stay here and write down more ideas for the yacht.
Changkyun: What about you?
Me: An emergency is happening at work I have to go.

Due to confidentiality I can't really mention Lila, but I'm wondering what she wants.


goodmorning goodmorning!

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