Chapter 10

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JOY KIMBERLY SCOTT PINK RANGER TOP AND THEA IS WEAR A WHITE DRESS BUT JASON WAS STILL LAY DOWN IN BED CAZ HE HAD A REALLY BAD HEADACHE AND AND IT GOT HIM SICK BUT JASON TOLD THIS DAUGHTER'S HE WOULD BE OK HE JUST NEEDS SOME REST HE WILL BE FINE AFTER HE FEELS BETTER BUT Thea hugged him tightly and promised to take care of him. She said she would bring him soup and whatever else he needed. Jason smiled and said he appreciated it. Thea kept her promise and took care of him for the rest of the day. She made sure he was comfortable and had everything he needed. Jason felt better after a good night's rest and was able to return to work the next day. KIMBERLY AT WORK JASON DIDN'T FEEL WELL CAZ OF HIS HEADACHE He decided to stay in bed and take care of himself. He reassured his daughters that he would be fine and that he just needed some rest. They agreed and went to work. Jason took some painkillers and laid down in bed. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Eventually, he fell asleep and felt better when he woke up. KATHERINE WAS AT WORK SO JASON TOLD HIS DAUGHTERS THAT KEEPING QUIET FOR A BIT CAZ JASON HAD TO REST AFTER A WHILE JASON IS BETTER Kimberly and Katherine asked him if he needed anything, but he said he just needed to rest. They left him alone and after an hour, he felt better. He thanked both of them for their concern. Jason thanked them for being understanding and for giving him the chance to rest. He was grateful for their help and kindness. He knew he could always count on them. Jason felt lucky to have such supportive children. He was grateful for the time they gave him to recharge and was thankful for their understanding and patience. He was proud to call them his daughters. Jason was deeply touched by their thoughtfulness and was filled with appreciation for their care. He knew he was blessed to have them in his life.
End of chapter 10

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