Chapter 20

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JOY AND THEA ARE WATCH TV AND THEA ARM HEAL UP AND IT BETTER NOW THEN IT WAS BEFORE AND JASON IS HAPPY TO SEE IT IS DAUGHTERS HAPPY ANDNOT SAD He smiles at them as he sees the joy on their faces. He is grateful that Thea's arm is healing. He is content knowing that his daughters are safe and happy. He hugs them both and whispers a silent prayer of thanks. He tells them that he loves them and is grateful for their health. He enjoys the moment with them, thankful for the joy they feel. They cuddle together for a few more minutes and then go back to watching TV. Jason is grateful for the peace and contentment in his home. He savors every moment he spends with his daughters. He knows that moments like this are precious and fleeting, and he wants to savor them for as long as possible. He holds them close and breathes in their sweet scent, grateful for the gift of life. He looks forward to many more moments like this in the future. He smiles, knowing that his daughters will grow up strong and independent. He also knows that he will still be there to guide them and be a source of comfort and support. He is thankful for this moment and all the moments to come. He cherishes the bond he has with his daughters and the love and connection that they share. He will never forget this moment, and he is filled with a sense of joy and contentment. He is blessed to have them in his life. He knows that they will have a bright future ahead of them, and he is excited to watch them grow. He looks forward to all the experiences they will have and all the things they will learn. He will always be there to provide guidance and love.
End of chapter 20

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