Chapter 21

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JOY AND THEA ARE Watch  TV WHEN JASON GOT HOME FROM WORK JASON FEELS LIKE HE GOING TO VOMIT CAZ SOMETHING HE ATE DID NOT AGREE WITH HIM HE WAS MAKE HIM SICK . JOY SAID WHAT'S WRONG AND JASON SAID I'M OK JUST SOMETHING I ATE THAT DOESN'T AGREE WITH ME I'M GOING TO BE FINE I JUST NEED TO GET REST JOY OK AND THEA JUST LOOK AT HER STEPDAD JASON THEA DON'T WORRY I'M OK I JUST NOT FEELING WELL CAZ SOMETHING DID NOT AGREE WITH ME Joy said she was relieved to hear that he was alright, and offered to bring him something to make him feel better. Jason thanked her and said he just needed some rest. They hugged him tightly and told him to take care. Jason assured them he would be fine, and thanked them for their concern. He told them he just needed a few days of rest and he would be back to his usual self. Thea and Joy said their goodbyes and left. Jason watched them leave and lay down on his bed. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. Jason felt a sense of peace wash over him as he drifted off to sleep. For the first time in days, he felt hopeful that he could get the rest he needed and feel better soon. He finally felt like he could relax. Jason slept for the rest of the day, undisturbed. When he woke up, he was refreshed and energized. Ready to tackle whatever life throws at him. He knew he had made the right decision to take the time to rest. He felt grateful that he had people around him who had supported him. He was ready to take on the world. He had learned his lesson: never underestimate the power of rest. He was determined to take care of himself and prioritize his own health and well-being. He was ready to start fresh and tackle whatever life threw at him with renewed energy. He was determined to make self-care a priority in his life. He was ready to face the future with a positive attitude and a renewed sense of purpose. He was ready to start a new chapter in his life. He was ready to make a difference and live life to the fullest. He was ready to make his dreams a reality. He was ready to shine. He was ready to take on the world. He was prepared to use the lessons he had learned from the past and apply them to his daily life. He was ready to focus on building healthy habits that would help him reach his goals. He was also ready to take risks, put in the work, and embrace the unknown with an open heart. He was ready to put himself first and make a positive impact on the world around him. He was ready to start his journey. He was ready to make a difference. He was ready to live life to the fullest. He was ready to take control of his life and make the changes he wanted to see. He was ready to create the future he had dreamed of. He was ready to start his journey. He was ready to take the first step. He was ready to be brave. He was ready to take action. He was ready to take the plunge and never look back. He was ready to make his mark on the world. He was ready. He was ready for anything that was to come. He was ready to embrace the unknown. He was ready to go on an adventure.
End of chapter 21

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