Chapter 25

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JOY AND THEA ARE WALK IN THE SUMMER HOT WHEN KIMBERLY FALL AND JASON HELP KIMBERLY CAZ KIMBERLY GOT LIGHTHEAD BUT SHE DOESN'T WANT TO SAY ANYTHING TO HER KIDS TO WORRY Them Jason quickly figured out something was wrong and asked Kimberly if she needed help. Kimberly reluctantly agreed and Jason guided her to a nearby bench. He asked if she wanted some water and she nodded in response. Jason quickly grabbed a bottle of water from a nearby vendor and handed it to Kimberly. She took a few sips and was soon feeling better. Jason assured her that she was okay and asked if she needed any help getting back home. Kimberly thanked Jason for his help and said she was ready to go home. Jason offered to walk her home and she gratefully accepted. They walked back together in a comfortable silence. When they reached Kimberly's house, Jason said goodbye and gave her a hug. Kimberly thanked him again and smiled. With one last wave, Jason started walking back home. Kimberly watched him go until he was out of sight. She went into the house with a thankful heart and a smile on her face. She thought about how fortunate she was to have a friend like Jason. His support meant the world to her and she was thankful for his kindness. She went to bed that night feeling safe and grateful. She was grateful for Jason's kindness. She was determined to make the most of her situation and to make Jason proud. She was determined to be the best version of herself, to be strong and to keep moving forward. She was determined to make Jason proud. She was determined to be strong and to never give up. She was determined to make the most of her life and to make Jason proud. She had a newfound appreciation for life and was determined to make the best of it. She was ready to take on the world. She was thankful for Jason's support and was determined to make the most of her life. She was ready to take on any challenge and to prove to Jason that she was capable of anything. She was determined to make him proud. She had a new-found sense of purpose and was determined to make the most of it. She wanted to show Jason that she was strong and capable, and that his support was not in vain. She wanted to prove to him that she was ready to take on whatever life threw her way and to make a success of her life. She had a newfound determination to succeed and make something out of her life, no matter what obstacles she encountered. She wanted to show Jason that she had the strength and willpower to make him proud and that his trust in her was not misplaced. She was determined to make the most of the opportunities that came her way and to prove to Jason that she was capable of anything.
End of chapter 25

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