Chapter 22

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JOY AND THEA ARE HELP JASON TO GET BETTER AFTER 3 TO 10 WEEKS JASON GOT BETTER AND JASON HUG BOTH OF THEM AND THEY ARE HAPPY TO AND THEY PLAY A BOARD GAME WHEN KIMBERLY SAW IT AND IS HAPPY TO SEE THEM HAPPY A Kimberly decided to join them and they all enjoyed the game. After the game, they shared a meal and talked about their experiences. The three of them had a great time and it was a wonderful way to celebrate Jason's recovery. They all hugged and said goodbye, excited to meet up again soon. Kimberly felt incredibly grateful for Jason's recovery and happy to have shared such a wonderful day with them. She left feeling content and full of joy. Jason thanked Kimberly for joining them and for her support during his recovery. She smiled and said she was happy to have been a part of it. They hugged one last time and said goodbye until the next time. Kimberly watched them drive away, feeling a warmth in her heart. She was filled with joy knowing that Jason was on the road to recovery. She waved goodbye until they were out of sight. She walked back to her car, feeling grateful for the small part she played in his journey. She felt confident that he would make a full recovery and that the future was looking brighter. Kimberly smiled, taking a moment to appreciate the moment. She knew that no matter what, Jason was in good hands, and that everything would work out in the end. With a deep breath, she got into her car and drove away.

She drove home with a sense of peace and contentment. No matter what the future held, she was sure that Jason would be alright. She smiled, feeling grateful for the small part she had played in his journey. She had faith in his strength and ability, and knew that he would end up exactly where he was meant to be. As she parked in her driveway, she was filled with a deep sense of satisfaction. This was her purpose - to help those she loved reach their goals. She felt proud to have supported him in his journey and was confident that he would continue to grow and thrive. She stepped out of the car, ready to take on the next challenge and determined to make a difference in the world
End of chapter 22

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