Chapter 35

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Jason is feeling joy and Thea is watching TV when Jason hugs both of them. They hugged each other tightly, feeling the warmth of love and friendship. They smiled at each other and continued watching the show. They shared stories of their day and laughed heartily. When the show ended, they hugged one last time and said their goodbyes. Jason and Thea went their separate ways, feeling content and satisfied with the time they shared. They felt even closer as daughters and stepfather and were looking forward to spending more time together soon. They both knew that the connection between them was special, and it was something that Thea was grateful to have. She thanked her lucky stars for having such a wonderful stepfather, and for allowing her to get to know him. Jason felt the same way, and he was proud of the bond they had formed. He was looking forward to more conversations, more laughter, and more moments of joy together. He was so glad he had been able to get to know Thea better and create a relationship with her. He thanked his lucky stars for having Thea in his life, and for giving him the chance to be a part of her life. He wanted to make sure he made the most of the time they had together and hoped this bond between them would only grow stronger in the future. He was determined to cherish every moment they spent together and vowed to always make her feel special and loved. He wanted to be a source of support and strength for her and to be there for her in times of need. He was determined to make her life brighter with his presence. Joy Kimberly Scott knows now that she is an Oliver and she wishes that she had her birth father Tommy there. Jason was determined to be a better father than Tommy ever was and to make sure that she never felt the same pain and loneliness he did. He wanted to give her the love and security that Tommy never could. He vowed to be the father she always wanted and deserved. He was there for her no matter what and he made sure she knew it. He wanted to give her the world and make sure she always felt loved. He was determined to make up for all the love and support that Tommy never gave her. He was the father she always needed, and he was there for her in ways Tommy never was. He was determined to show her that she was worthy of love and support. He wanted to be the father that she deserved. She got to know all her siblings aka Thea and Matilda and JJ and Sophia and Tania.
End of story aka chapter 35

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