Chapter 34

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Joy and Thea are watch TV when Kimberly come home and Jason was sick from yesterday and Kimberly ask Jason of he was ok Jason nodded weakly and Joy asked Kimberly to get him some soup from the kitchen. Thea put on a movie for Jason to watch while Kimberly quickly prepared a bowl of soup for him. Jason thanked Kimberly and slowly started eating the soup. Joy and Thea both sat next to him, watching the movie with him until he finished his soup. Kimberly smiled and went back to the kitchen to tidy up. Then, the three of them watched the movie until it was finished. They all went to bed, relieved that Jason was feeling better. Afterwards, Jason felt better and thanked them all for their kindness. Jason thanked them again and the three of them sat together, chatting and laughing until it was time to go. Thea and Kimberly hugged Jason goodbye and said they would come back soon. Jason smiled and waved as they left. Jason stayed up for a while longer, reflecting on the evening. He was grateful for the kindness his friends and family had shown and he promised himself to be there for them too. He drifted off to sleep with a content smile. The next day, Jason awoke with a newfound appreciation for the people in his life. He was determined to continue being there for them and show his gratitude for all they had done. He was ready to take on the world with a new found energy. He started his day with a smile, and a thankfulness that his life had been blessed with such wonderful people. He was determined to make the most of it and to use his newfound energy to make a difference in the world. He reflected on the words of his grandmother who had always said, "Take time to appreciate the people in your life, for they are the ones who truly make a difference." With that in mind, Jason set off on his journey to make the world a better place.
End of chapter 34

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