Chapter 24

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JOY AND THEA ARE OUTSIDE AND IS WAS SUMMER HOT DAY AND THEY WAS SURPRISED TO KNOW THAT AND JASON WAS GLAD THEY ARE HAPPY BUT JASON WAS HOLD HIS STOMACH WAS IT WAS SORE FROM THE LAST TIME HE EAT SOMETHING BUT HE OK Joy and Thea decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air. Jason joined them, although he was still feeling a bit unwell. They enjoyed the beautiful summer day and the fresh air did Jason some good. After their walk, they went back home. Jason felt much better and was glad to have spent some time with his daughters They all enjoyed the day together. Jason was happy that he had decided to join them despite not feeling well. He was thankful for his daughters and the wonderful day they had shared. They all agreed to do it again soon. Jason hugged his daughters and thanked them for understanding his situation. He then went to bed early and slept peacefully, feeling grateful for his family. The next morning, Jason woke up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. He was thankful for his daughters and the moments they had shared together. From that day on, he made sure to spend time with his daughters whenever he could. Jason and his daughters continued to spend quality time together, and their bond was stronger than ever. He was thankful for the meaningful conversations they shared, and the love and understanding they had for each other. He was also proud of the young ladies his daughters had become. He cherished the moments they shared and was grateful for the connection they had. He was grateful for the time and memories they made together. He was reminded of how important it was to make time for family. He made sure to tell his daughters how much he loved them and that he was proud of them. He also promised to continue to make time for them and support them in whatever they chose to pursue. He was thankful for the strong bond they shared.
End of chapter 24

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