Chapter 17

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JOY AND THEA ARE IN THERE ROOM WHEN JASON FALL DOWN CAZ OF HIS STOMACH BLOATING REALLY BAD THAT HE WAS TAKE TO THE DOCTOR AND HE STOMACH WAS PUMPED AND AFTER SURGERY TO FIX HIS STOMACH, JASON WAS ABLE TO GO BACK HOME WITH JOY AND THEA. THEY ALL REALIZED THEY HAD TO BE MORE CAREFUL IN THE FUTURE. Jason promised himself he would take better care of his health and his family's well-being. He was grateful for the good outcome and for having Thea by his side throughout the process. Thea was relieved to see Jason get better and felt relieved the family was safe. They vowed to make the most of their time together and cherish each moment. Jason and Thea felt lucky to have each other and to have gone through the ordeal safely. They were thankful for the support they had from their friends and family. They realized how quickly things can change and how important it is to live life to the fullest. They were determined to make the most of every day and to never take anything for granted. They looked forward to the future, determined to never take their time together for granted. They would cherish each moment and focus on the positive. They were grateful for the experience, and the lessons they had learned. They would use this newfound appreciation to motivate them to be better people. They were inspired to make a difference and to help others in need. They were determined to create a better world and to make a positive impact. They were committed to living life to the fullest and to making the most of every day. They embraced the present and welcomed the future with open arms. They were ready to take on whatever came their way. They believed that anything was possible, and that they could accomplish anything they set their minds to. With this newfound optimism, they were ready to take on life's challenges and make a difference. They were determined to create a better tomorrow. They were determined to make a lasting impact. They were determined to make their dreams a reality.
End of chapter 17

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