chapter seven: Feed me.

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The next morning...

Lilla P.O.V...

I woke up feeling a bit dizzy and tired. My throat is dry and it hurts. I sat up on the bed and robbed my eyes a couple of times before getting used to the electric room light. I look around the room and it looks so familiar.

"Where I'm I?." I asked myself.

"You're in my bedroom little pet." Lucian suddenly spoke out from the end of the room.

I almost jumped out of my skin. His voice is chilling cold.

"Woah... You scared me to death master Lucian." I said while holding my chest.

"You never told me you have asthmatic breathing condition Lilla." He said coldly as he approach me.

"Huh.... I'm sorry master Lucian. I could have told you. But it's only been a day since I arrived and I never thought my breathing condition will reveal itself today in front of your brothers." I said with shaking voice.

"That's not enough reason for you not to tell me that serious condition of yours. What if you die earlier due to that cruel condition?. Do you think I'll still need you?. And why are you scared of my brothers earlier?." He asked and I begin to panic.

"I... I... am actually...,They are vampires and they almost killed me earlier if you haven't arrived on time and saved me. And I think they hate me a lot." I said while slightly breaking my words out of fear.

"They are not as dangerous as I am. Because of your dumb fear, I missed my lunch!." He yell at me and I flinch in fear.

"I'm so sorry master Lucian." I apologize with head down as usual.

"What did I say about that lame apologies of yours?." He coldly asked and I got his point immediately. He hate apologies.

"Then what should I tell you if I make a mistake and needed forgiveness?." I asked and he just smirked before replying.

"If anyone makes me upset, they all accept my punishment without plea. So I suppose the only word you can say is, I'll accept any punishment milord." He said and I almost passed out.

"No apologies?." I asked again to be sure.

"I won't repeat myself. If you apologize to me or ask for my forgiveness, I'll multiply your punishment." He declared and I nodded slowly.

"Good. Now your punishment for giving me such a terrible shock that made me miss my dinner earlier, is to feed me." He said and my heart made a loud thud.

"What?. I mean why master Lucian?." I asked and he furiously glared at me.

"Is the punishment too easy?. How about you feed me fresh blood?." He said and I immediately got up from his bed.

"I'll feed you cooked food master Lucian. But please don't drink my blood." I begged with heavy sweat covering my forehead.

"Fair well. Come with me." He said and I quietly walked behind him.

But when we are at the middle of the room, he stopped and said.


I obeyed and he sat on a low chair opposite me. In between us, is a little table which is made of gold. Three plate of food was neatly placed on top the table. Beside the food was a water bottle.

I can't deny the fact that I'm so thirsty and hungry. My throat hurts badly and I can't demand for food or water.

But immediately, master Lucian handed me the bottle water.

"Have a sip." He said and I was too excited that I grabbed the bottle water and gulped them all down my throat in one goal.

I looked up to face his shocked expression. Well he expected me to take a sip or reject his kind offer. But I said nothing and gulped down his whole water. Yeah I know I'm in big trouble now.

"I'm sorry about your water." I apologize shyly with guilt.

"What did I say about apologies Lilla?." He asked and I gulped in fear.

"I don't want to say sorry anymore master Lucian. If it pleases you, you can add to my punishment." I said sadly.

"Once again, you've made me lose my appetite." He coldly announced.

I just put down my head not to face his piercing glares. Saying sorry again may be the end of me. So I just silently put my head down.

"At least I won't get to feed him now since he have lost his appetite. I guess my punishment didn't go as planned." I silently thought. But immediately, he said.

"Feed me." Master Lucian said and I almost cried out in frustration. I thought he lost his appetite earlier.

I opened one of the plate of food and found a hot chicken soup. I gulped down my saliva and open another plate to find red apples. Wow... And I open the last one, and found...blood!.

I looked up at him with shock written all over my face. He raised a brow and asked.

"What?. Expecting something delicious?." He asked and I shook my head quickly to deny his question.

"Feed me already." He ordered and I went limp in fright.

"W_hich meal would you like to go for first?." I asked with shaky voice.

"Let's start with the bowl of blood." He replied and I took a golden spoon from the trail and carried the bowl of blood in my left hand.

With shaky hands, I serve a little amount of blood on the spoon and carefully guard it to his lips.

He stared at my eyes for a second and I know he can clearly see my fear. He smirk slowly and open his mouth slightly then sip the blood from the spoon.


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