Chapter twenty one: you'll regret this.

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Lucian P.O.V...

My jaw dropped in shock. Liam loved Lilla all these while and pretended to hate her so I can give up Lilla to him?. No wonder he came up with such an agreement to exchange Lilla for the truth I wanted so badly.

The whole room went silent again and everyone's eyes were glued to Liam who wore a face of disappointment and rage.

"Are you serious?." Dracula asked the question I was dying to ask.

"Of course I'm serious. Why will I be bugging Lucian to free Lilla from the dark dungeon?. I wanted her free from Lucian. I wanted her to hate Lucian and be mine. I want her all to myself." Liam pronounced and I raged up.

"You don't deserve her." I commented.

"Yes I do. I'll give her all the love and attention you can never give. You don't deserve Lilla. Your hands have been stained with too much innocent blood. She can't fall for a prince like you. Even if you inherit father's throne and become king, she'll never love you!." Liam blabbed.

"Silence!!." Lord Raven thundered. "We have no time for this. She dying."

"Seal my soul with hers. I'm ready for any consequences that will befall me." Liam altered.

"What?." Dracula gasped.

"She's my mate now Liam. You can't seal your soul with hers. I'm the only one that can." I said.

"He's right." Lord Raven announced.

"You'll regret this. Just because you tasted her blood first doesn't mean she'll love you. You assaulted her last night remember?." Liam smirked.

"And who's fault is that?." I asked fuming with anger.

"Are you two seriously going to argue till she die?. We don't have time by our side!." Lord Raven yelled desperately.

"I'm ready." I stated and stepped forward.

"Do you for once think about what the human girl... " Dracula try to protect but Liam cut him off.

"She has a name!." He yelled.

"Fine. Do you guys for once think about what Lilla will feel if she realized her soul was sealed with a vampire's soul?. For goodness sake she's afraid of us!. Being around us made made her collapse once. She'll definitely commit suicide if she find out her soul was sealed with a vampire soul. Do you guys understand what I'm saying?." Dracula explained.

"Saving her life is the only thing I can think of right now. Her safety is my top priority. I don't care about what she feel after regaining her consciousness. She accepted to become my mistress and I don't see anything wrong with what I'm about to do." I replied and Liam rushed towards me and grabbed my collar. His eyes were so red and furious.

"How could you persuade her into approving such a dangerous thing to her life. You're a big danger to Lilla. And mating her will be the greatest mistake you've ever made. Mark my words." He threatened and Dracula pulled him away from my face.

"We have to hurry. She'll die if you two continue arguing." Lord Raven protest.

"Why are you so worried about bringing the human girl back to life Lord Raven?." Dracula asked.

"Because I don't want the next hair of gold flame kingdom to die!. The future of gold flame kingdom, is in this woman's life. If she dies, all vampires are doomed. Including everyone in this room." Lord Raven panicked. 

"I'm ready. Do what you have to do." I said and Lord Raven nodded with full seriousness.

Lord Raven stretch out his right hand and a red piece of cloth appeared on his palm. He approached Lilla and I walked over with curiosity all over my face.

"Lay down beside her and close your eyes until I decide your next step." Lord Raven ordered and I nodded slowly before laying next to Lilla with my eyes closed.

My curiosity is eating me up. Will Lilla survive?. What will Lord Raven do to us?. Will it hurt that much?. My brain is flooding with too many questions I can't answer.

Suddenly, I feel a tiny rope tied around my wrist and Lilla wrist. What's going to happen?. I begin to panic.

"Relax Lucian. If you're worried, this ritual won't go as planned. Be calm. And don't yell much. It's gonna hurt a little. But don't panic too much. You're a army so pains are bearable to you. Stay still and don't move too much." Lord Raven advised.

My brows knotted in confusion and suddenly, I felt a sharp pain piercing through my heart. I try hard not to scream. But the pain was unbearable. I closed my eyes tightly and gripped the bedsheets with my full strength.

Stay connected for the next chapter 🥰🥰🥰

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