chapter twelve: The prophecy is true.

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Lilla P.O.V...

I wake up to see the same darkness everyday. The horrible smell from the floor is unbearable. The poisonous insects has successfully won by making my whole skin swollen from scratching.

I will stand up every minute and cry for help. But to no avail. Nobody seems to come down to this area.

My growling stomach has been the only  music playing in the quiet dungeon. I stood up and held the iron door and started shaking it violently as I crying for help. But suddenly, someone spoke.

"You might wanna bring your voice down kid. No one will hear you even if you scream yourself to death here." The female voice scolded. From her voice, I can tell she's on her fourths.

"Who's there?." I asked feeling scared.

"Do you really think it's a good time to start a conversation?. You better sit back there and be quiet." The lady harshly warned.

"Are you also a vampire?." I asked with shaking voice.

"No. I'm a sorceress. From your voice, I can tell you're a....human!. What are you doing down here?." She exclaimed.

"I'm a human slave who was bought by master Lucian." I replied sadly.

"Master Lucian bought a slave?. That's amusing. But why are you here?." She asked.

"I got scared of master Liam and master Dracula. They both hated me so much and I wanted to escape to save myself from them. But my devastation to escape made me kill two vampire guards. I flee from the area. But master Lucian caught me himself. So he asked some guards to bring me here as my punishment." I explained as more tears run down my two cheeks.

"You killed two vampires!. My god. What are you exactly?. That's too good to be true. A human can never harm a vampire. How did you kill a vampire?." She asked with mouth open.

"I kind of stabbed them to death. It was an accident. I didn't mean to kill them. I only wanted freedom." I replied.

"You are the human form the prophecy. The prophecy is true. You are the human with the blood of immortality!." The lady exclaim.

"What are you talking about?." I asked looking way more confused than ever.

"You are the only human with the ability to kill any creature. That's why your little stab killed those vampires easily. You can kill all ancient God. That's why they blame all that happened six years ago on you. Everyone believes you killed all the vampires." The lady explain.

"I can't still get what you're talking about ma'am." I try to get her words in her head. But no one seems to digest well.

"When time comes you'll understand. What do you have in mind now?." The lady asked.

"I don't know what else to do ma'am. When I'm I leaving here?. I don't want to be here." I ranted as tears begin to escape my eyes.

"Why are you wheeling like a baby?. No one is leaving here alive. You should pray anyone sees your body and bury you properly. This prison is the end of everyone of us here. If anyone is jailed here, is as good as dead." The woman replied and I felt my chest tightened at her statement.

"No, no. I can't stay here. I have to avenge my late mother. She'll probably hate me now when I die without making my dad pay for what he did to I and my mother." I cried as I started screaming out of my lungs.

"Bring it down!. If any guards overhead your scream, you'll be killed at the end of this dungeon." The lady whispered.

"What's happening here!!." Two might guards walked into the dungeon with a stick of fire in their hands.

"Who's making such a ear piercing noise!?." One of them yelled and I covered my mouth with my palms. The whole prison fell pin drop silent.

"ANSWER ME!!." They yelled and I was about to stand up and turn myself in when the lady I was talking to earlier stood up.

"It was me. I'm so sorry I yelled. A poisonous scorpion bit me." She apologize. I was shocked. Why would she take my the punishment meant for me?.

"Take her to the deepest room where bitches like her belong!." The bossy one ordered and the other one started unlocking her cell.

"By the way, I'm Patricia. Take care of yourself. Bye." The lady muttered before the two men lead her down another stairs.

This place is horrible. Everyone here is horrible. I should have listened to her earlier. That poor innocent lady will be killed because of me. I feel so guilty that someone else got punished for the sin I committed.

I crawled my way to the end of my dark cell and sobbed between my legs with head down. My life is so messed up. And I just wanna give up already. I'm never leaving here alive.

Hello guys, thanks for being patient with my late update. But I'll try as much as possible to update more chapters. Also, please don't forget to vote and comment on my story. Thank you 🤭🥰🥰....

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