chapter ten: Two vampires dead.

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Lucian P.O.V.....


I sat up in my fluffy bed and kept staring at the clock. It's been 35 minutes now and Lilla still hasn't returned. I gave her 20 minutes to return. But once again, she disobeyed me.

I sat, stood and stare at the time multiple times as I wait for Lilla. But there was no sign of her.

I bring out my cellphone and dial the security number. But there was no response from them. I look out my room window and what I saw almost scare the living hell out of me.

I saw my most innocent Lilla slaying my two securities with a poisonous dagger. She was so fast and furious. I couldn't believe what I just saw. She can actually kill a vampire?. And I'm here scared and insecure she would get hurt?. Impressive.

I rushed down the elevator and was about to run after her. But the sun was already up. If I walk into the sun, my skin will be ruined. But if it is a pure vampire, they'll surely die.

I took my umbrella and walked to my car station. I hoped into one of them and drove furiously out of the compound in search for Lilla.

Luckily I passed the right direction. Right in the middle of the road, stood Lilla lazily walking down the road. And with the way her pale face was, I know she's struggling to breath.

I drove in front of her and opened the passenger door.

"Get into the car." I demand coldly and she walked in feeling defeated.

When I turn to her, the little affection I have for her disappear into the anger within my heart. She betrayed the trust I have for her.

She killed not just one vampire. She killed two of them. What I'm I even saying?. She's brave enough to kill my people. There's no doubting it.

Lilla P.O.V....

My heartbeat accelerated while my master drove me home. I can clearly feel his rage at the moment. His eyes are dark and scary, and his aura is as cold as ice.  His coldness bring chills down my spine.

What should I do now?. No apology, no forgiveness, and no escaping. I'm so dead.

I kept talking in my mind even when I know he can read mind. But right now, I don't care. My mind is in chaos.

Soon we arrived at his villa and the minute we drive through the gate, I noticed from the gate stand to the entrance of the house, is highly protected by so many vampire guards who form a straight line in both sides of the way.

My heart is racing fast and uncontrollably. What have I done?. I shouldn't have killed those vampire guards or try to escape. But that isn't the main problem here. I know the punishment of my mistake is death. No apologies.

Master Lucian stopped the car at the entrance of the mansion and stepped out of the car slamming the door hard. I almost scream in fright at how he slammed the door.

With shaky hands, I try to open the door. But it was locked. I look forward and saw master Lucian muttering some words to his two brothers. Then he walked back to the car and opened the door. He glared at me. And I saw the rage in his red eyes.

He grabbed my hair and dragged me out of the car as I pleaded for release. But he just ignored me. He trow me to the floor and said to his brothers.

"Take her to the dungeon, give her no food or water. But, don't drink a single blood from her body. She'll stay there until I ask for her release." He declared.

"Wait, what!. No.... Please master Lucian please don't do this I beg of you. I swear to be good. Please don't send me to the dungeon. I'll surely die there before the next day." I begged. But he just ignored my words and glared at his brothers.

"Do as I've said!!." He yelled and walked into the house as I begged and cry for his mercy.

"He's gone little girl. Don't waste your time. If Lucian make a decision, it's final." Liam said with a mocking smirk.

"You are all evil. And I'll take my own life than be with all of you." I yelled at them both. But one of the guards walked up to me and slapped me hard across the face.

"Bitch!." He spat and they all laughed.

"Take her to the dungeon. And also release the poisonous insects on the floor so she can have a little chitchat with them. Trust me darling, you'll like your new prison friends." Dracula mocked and walked away with Liam as all the guards burst out laughing.

I felt humiliated, heartbroken, helpless and weak. My fate is uncalled for. There is no way I can survive this hard moment. I just want to kill myself.

"Go ahead and kill yourself princess. No one will stop you." A huge vampire guard said. He bring out a piece of cloth and tied my eyes and arms. He lift me in his strong shoulder and started walking. I don't know where he is taking. But I know it won't be good. I kicked and cry but he just carried me into a small room that leads to over a thousand stairs down the ground.

He walked with me on his strong shoulder for almost an hour before we finally arrived at a hallway. I can probably feel his every movements.

He opened an iron door and trow me into it and slammed the door shut. I hear the sound of keys. And I assume he must be locking the door and I started crying. But he just ignored me.

I manage to free my arms from the rope. I remove the cloth from my eyes and it was completely dark. Not even a single ray of sunshine manage to get into the prison.

Laying on the cold floor, I cried myself to sleep. I just hope the minute I wake up the next morning, everything will just be a dream.

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