Chapter eleven: What about our deal?.

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Lucian P.O.V...

When we arrived at my villa, I stepped out of my car and approach my two brothers who patiently waited for my return. When I was close enough, Dracula whispered into my ear.

"What about our deal?. She crossed her line this time bro. Are you still planning on sparing her life after she murdered two innocent vampires?." Dracula muttered with a dark aura.

"Don't be selfish Dracula. I know she crossed her boundaries and she will pay for that. When I'm done with her, I'll reconsider our deal. But for now...." I walked over to my car and opened the passenger seat.

I stared into Lilla's eyes and I saw the hurtful look on her eyes. Her fear grew bigger and her eyes looks innocent. But I quickly snap out of it and thought about what she done to my people. She really is a crocodile just like her father!.

I grabbed her hair and dragged her out of the care fiercely. Her apologies are now hurried by my rage and I trow her to the ground and muttered to my brother.

"Take her to the dungeon, give her no food or water. But, don't drink a single blood from her body. She'll stay there until I ask for her release." I declared with clenched teeth.

"Wait, what!. No.... Please master Lucian please don't do this I beg of you. I swear to be good. Please don't send me to the dungeon. I'll surely die there before the next day." She grabbed my feet as she begged. But i just ignored her useless words and glared at my brothers.

"Do as I've said!!." I yelled furiously and walked into the house as she begged and cry for his mercy.

When I arrived my bedroom, I stared at my bed which she probably spent last night on.
Her saints is all over the room and it's pissing me off.

She act so innocently. But she fought and killed my two security guards. She is the opposite version of Kendra. Her face do look like Kendra's face. But she's not Kendra in attitude.

I just scoff at how my thoughts kept flooding towards Lilla. "Why can't I get her out of my mind?." I asked myself.

But I just lay down on my stomach and doze off. It's day time. And we vampires should sleep at day time, and stay unfazed at night hour.


I stood at the gate of my kingdom and saw smokes and fire coming out of all the hosts in my town. The town is silent. I know something is wrong. As I walk into the village, my eyes widened in shock when I spotted four vampires laying dead on a grassy floor which is covered by their own blood.

This can't just be a mere attack. I've fought for my people's freedom for over five thousand years now. No one can harm them to this extent. What happened to my people?. Question flooded my brain.

But that wasn't all. Every step I took, I noticed the dead bodies of my people. Who would have done this?. My vampires are strong and undefeatable. How did they end up dying like this?.

I match my way into my palace and the first person I saw laying flat at the middle of my throne hull is, Kendra!. She's my fiance. We planned our marriage two weeks ago when she informed me about being pregnant with my child.

I ran up to her and held her in my arms. Her soft brown hair was covered in blood. Her dress is stained with so much blood. Her right hand was placed on top her stomach which contain a big hole of wound. How could this have happened?. My eyes became glassy as I stared at the woman in my heart.

I knelt down beside her and touched her cold cheek. Her bright face is now so pale.

"Kendra, Kendra!." My voice cracked as I call out her name. But I was answered by silence.

"Please wake up Kendra. Our wedding is in three days. Please don't leave me Kendra. PLEASE!." I cried out as I held her cold hand.

Mere words can't explain how I felt at that moment. My world stopped moving and all I can see is the beautiful dead woman I planned my life with. Even when she's dead, she still look beautiful as always. That was the first time I ever cried since I was born. Even when I came out of my mother's womb, I never cried.

And at that moment, I know I've lost something important. My magical powers are gone. As a half vampire, I have so much power more than the pure blooded vampires. But I've lost that power because my mind have no control of its own now.

I closed my eyes and concentrate on the last power in me. Then I muttered.

"Reveal to me what happened to everyone!." I commanded.

And at that moment, everything began to reveal itself like I was there. I saw so many helicopters flying above my kingdom. But then, they started attacking my village. They trow bombs and fires in my village. My people recently drank a poisonous blood which is brought into our kingdom by a barrister who wanted a deal with me. My people were defenseless at that moment and they couldn't use their powers to defend themselves. They were crying, begging, screaming and pleading for mercy. But the attack didn't stop. They killed everyone in the village. All my sixty million armies were killed. They stabbed my pregnant fiance to death and killed everyone in my kingdom.

That day they attacked my people, I was out searching for a cure to the poisonous blood my people drank. But before my return, all my people were killed. Not even a newly born baby was spared.

And the culprit behind all this, finally came out of a golden helicopter.

Barrister Austin!!.

The flashback ended and I can feel my veins ragging. Barrister Austin did all these!. He and his entire family will pay for this!. I swear on top Kendra's cops and she disappeared into dust. So as everyone. All the bodies turned into dusts.


I woke up and realize it was all a dream. Why is this dream suddenly coming back after all these days?. Ever since Lilla walked into this house, the nightmare stopped. But now she's far away from me. Is she okay?.

Snap out of it idiot!. She's not Kendra. So I shouldn't be concerned about her.

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