chapter thirteen: All humans are the same.

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Lucian P.O.V....

I woke up to see the bright full moons reflection on my window. Sleeping, training, killing and reading books have always been my thing. But during these days, I can't concentrate on anyone of them. Except for drinking myself to sleep hoping that my nightmares can at least stop for one night. But it just wouldn't.

It's been three days now since I've sentenced Lilla into the dark dungeon without food or water. And I feel uncomfortable about it. She surly deserves it. But all the same, why I'm I not enjoying the minutes and hours she spend down there in a dark prison?. She's all in my mind and the nightmares just wouldn't stop.

Every night without Lilla is driving me crazy.  Why can't I just forget about her?.

She fucking killed my guards. Come to think of it, a vampire can not easily be killed by a mere human. But Lilla killed them with just a tiny dagger?. Unbelievable. Guns have to infect on vampires. But surprisingly Lilla killed my guards with a mere dagger. And they are not just young vampires. They've lived for two thousands of years.

While thinking deep in thought, a sudden knock on the day interrupted the voice in my head.

"Who is it?." My voice echoed.

"I'm a maid sent to give a message master Lucian." A female scared voice muttered. And something is off with her.

"Come in."

She opened the door slowly and the smell of human flow into my face. She's a human. What is she doing in my mansion?.

"Human girl, who sent you?." My voice rang.

"Master Dracula." She said with head down.

"What is the message?." I asked.

"Master Dracula invited you to have a drink with him at the pool area." She replied.

"You speak to me with so much disrespect in your tone. When did you start living in my house?." I asked.

"I was brought here by master Dracula two days ago master. And I'm deeply sorry if my words upset you." She replied as she try hard not to starter while on her speech.

"Didn't your master Dracula warned you about anything before you came up here?." I ask her and she began to tremble.

"Yes master Lucian. He told me never to apologize or upset you." She trembled.

"And you just failed two important rules the minute you step into my room. How dare you!. All humans are just the same." I roared and she went on her knees with head down.

"I didn't mean to upset you or apologize for what ever I did wrong. But I'm pleading with you to let my mistake slid for just today. You can punish me and I'll accept." The human fearful offered.

"Just get out of my room this minute and I don't ever want to see you in this floor of mine." I warned and she bow and muttered thank you for what seems like a thousand times to me before running away without looking back.

These humans are really strange. I think Dracula is trying to test my patients by sending a weak human into my bed room.

Just thinking about it made something cross my mind. Instead of locking Lilla in the dark dungeon without food or water, why not give her a punishment that will benefit me and her as well?.


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