All Ships: A Backyard Sleepover

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Prompt: Imagine your OTP has one or more young children. They go camping in their backyard, set up a tent, start a fire in the fire pit, roast hot dogs/marshmallows, tell ghost stories, and watch the stars together.

Ships include:



BasicallyIdo De Lui


Enjoy =)

~Evan's p.o.v~

"Yea I'll be out in a sec., I just need to edit this one last part." I say to Jonthan while he takes Jessie out back to set up the tent and fire pit.

Me and the guys decided to have one massive camping trip right in me and Jonathan's backyard. As soon as I finished editing that last part of a Gmod video I went outside and see the tent up and the fire pit ready for roasting marshmallows. I told everyone to get here around 8ish so it would be dark enough.

"Good job babe." I say while walking over to Jonathan and kissing him

"Yuck... that's gross!" We hear Jessie say as she looks up at us.

"Oh yea, well come here then!" I say, running over to her and picking her up while kissing her, she started to scream and squirm so I put her down.

"Hey there fu.....never mind." We hear Tyler yell while him and Craig come to the backyard with a six-pack of beer in his hand.

"Watch the language dear!" Craig yells back while running over to Jessie and playing with her in till Cassidy, lucas and lilly arrived.

Cassidy and lilly are Daithi's, Lui's and Marcel's twins and Lucas is Brock's and Brian's kid. They all get along pretty well and play nice. Me and Tyler always kid with Lucas because we think he likes Jessie, which isn't a bad thing, it's just that they are a little young to date, I mean Jessie is 7, Lucas is 9 and the twins are 4.

Plus we always call Lui mommy just cause he's good with the girls, to be honest it kinda makes him a little mad, but at the end of the day it's true.

Everyone arrives on time so we start the little gathering, we had a few beers while sitting around the camp fire talking but since we didn't have enough chairs, Craig is sitting on Tyler's lap and Jonathan is sitting on mine, the kids are out and about catching lightning bugs and occasionally coming over to show us.

Tyler and Brock start cooking some steak and baked potatoes for everyone on the grill, while Craig and Jonathan talk about some stuff.

"Here You go daddy." I look down and see Jessie holding up a purple flower for me

"Thank you so much baby." I say and take it from her, she blushed and runs back over to Brian whose dancing by the shed with the kids.

"Alright, dinners ready!" Tyler yells settling everything down on the picnic table.

We all eat and soon after we start roasting marshmallows, which got a little messy, but very delicious (like Jonathan ;)).

It was time to put the kids to bed and about 10 minutes after we sat down and cracked open a bottle of wine, Lilly cam out and hopped onto Lui's lap, crying

"Hey, what's wrong." Lui said looking down as Lilly snuggled Into his chest.

"Daddy told me a scary thingy." Then we all looked over at Marcel

"What....ok maybe I told the kids a little scary story."

But then Lui gave him a look.

"Ok about... Jeff the Killer." Then Lui leaned over and smacked his leg

After Lilly calmed down and went back into the tent Jonathan said that this night couldn't get better but ohhhhhh we were wrong.

"Guys we need to tell you and Brock are adopting a little girl from Ireland." We were so happy, since they have wanted another child since Lucas was 6.

But all in all it was a great night.

~The End~

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