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-Who cooks?

Evan is a decent cook who probably who learned what basic skills he knows from the cooking channel. Jonathan would be good at breakfast foods, desert, and roasting marshmallows. Sometimes the guys will get together to have a barbeque and Jonathan will contribute by heating up the freeze dried vegetables in the microwave. Evan would help out Tyler with the grill. Both do appreciate take out and fast food but Evan will try his hand at some recipes he found on one of those cooking channels. 

-Who's the messiest? The cleanest? 

Jonathan likes to leave stuff around the house like headphones and bags of chips but Evan defently likes a clean house and therefore takes the time, usually on Sundays to tidy up.

-Who fixes the vehicle after a breakdown?

Evan will defently try and fix it, if it's a flat tire he can definitely fix it but if he knows something is wrong, he will pull over and call a professional. Jonathan will get out of the car to give Evan moral support but would eventually go back into the car because he's cold.

-Living space has a leak! Who fixes it?

Evan will, unless it's a huge problem than he will call a plumber or something.  Jonathan would be the person to only mention it blantly weeks later because he thought it would fix itself. 

-Who buys the groceries?

Both of them would go to the store and pick out things they both want, Jonathan buys lots of junk, like chocolate covered pretzels and pringles. Evan would buy the fruits and vegetables and anything else needed for meals. However Evan is the type of person to declare that he doesn't want any junk food and then gets caught with a mouth full of Starburst that night.

-Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert?

They both split the check. Jonathan will buy the most food and than get a take out container for later. Evan would get an ice cream treat while Jon gets a pie of some sort.

-Would they go to the beach?

Going to the beach was one of the first things they did together went they met in real life. Both love the beach and they bring their friends there when they meet.

-Is someone multilingual? Do they try to teach another language to the other?

Known of them speak another language but both did take some years of Spanish in high school in order to graduate.

-Any pets? Or plants?

Jonathan has a pitbull while Evan brought his pet fern.

-Baths or showers? Together or separate?

Both take showers and they mostly take them separately when they want to actually get clean.

-Who talks the most? Who talks the least?

Jonathan talks the most and Evan is the silent one. However Jon will go on long rambles in the car or when they're falling asleep.

-Who sleeps the most?

Jon likes to sleep in while Evan likes to wake up early to finish things that he didn't get to the night before.

-Does the other have to force them to sleep/wake up?

Jonathan dosent even have an alarm so he relies on Evan waking him up.

-Vacation ideas: who decides them?

Evan brings Jonathan to Canada where Evan's family is, so they like to go there. Sometimes they will also go to LA where there friends live. They also go to all those conventions annually it starts to eat up their budget during certain times  of the year. 

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