Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan

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Chapter Four

Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan

August 2020 - The Los Angeles Ministry

The night was warm and calm, the stars above the unholy church were shining brightly in the midnight sky. The gardens of this sinful place were in bloom, the sweet scent of floral drifted down the open stone hallway. The summer season was now in full swing, but the world outside of the Los Angeles Ministry was still in turmoil. 

Albany's footsteps echoing down the hallway disturbed the silence of the unholy church, she was carrying a partly nibbled and ripped piece of paper in her hand. One of her lover's rats had brought her a note from Copia, but she had to play tug of war with it to retrieve the note from the adorable creature. The contents of the note had been short and sweet, it seemed like Copia had scheduled a surprised picnic for her beneath the stars. Since he had made his schedule board things around the Ministry had changed for the better, his rats were even behaving themselves when they watched television together in the family lounge. Their toe nipping had ceased, they mostly snuggled with their owner when they were in Albany's company. Copia's romantic gestures had become a regular occurrence between his shared time with the rats, he wanted to make good memories throughout the uncertain times they were living through right now.

Opening the door to the stone hallway the different sweet scents of the garden entered the unholy church, it was a warm night. Albany closed the door behind her and looked both ways down the hallway, the Ministry was silent. She was unsure where Copia planned to meet her, but the gardens weren't that vast. Making a quick decision she decided to go right, she would be able to get a better look of the gardens from the entrance of the stone hallway. Albany ventured forward and kept on going until she reached some steps, she carefully walked down them before she looked around the garden.

The garden was dark and still, the metal lampposts lining some parts the pathway only lit up what her eyes wanted her to see. Her gaze soon settled on a couple of candles sitting on the pale stone pathway, she could see a blanket laid out on the grass not far away from them. Copia was crouching at one corner of the blanket, his back was turned to her. He hadn't sensed her presence just yet, his attention was elsewhere. Albany lingered by the steps for a moment, she tucked some of her hair over her ear before she ventured forward. Her heels clicking against the stone pathway soon caught Copia's attention, his gaze was upon his lover. He immediately got to his feet and waved his fingers at her, he was dressed in his red tracksuit tonight. His voice soon disturbed the silence of the night, he was pleased to see his lover. 

" There you are!" He said.

" I just got your note, it was a challenge to retrieve it." She said while she stopped and showed him the torn note. " Your rats decided that they wanted to play tug of war with me, it seems like they wanted to delay my arrival."

" It's okay, you're here now." He said before he motioned his hands towards the blanket. " Take a seat, the mini pizzas will get cold. It's just a little somethin' somethin' I threw together. I hope you like chips and dips, also homemade pink lemonade from Sister's gift basket."

" Hopefully it's salsa dip." She said.

" The best kind of dip, yes?" He asked.

" Always the best kind!" She smiled.

Albany removed her heels before she stepped from the pathway, she sat down on the blanket and placed her footwear on the grass. The blanket was laid out with plates of different snacks and a cake, there was a basket of yellow flowers with bottles of soft drinks amongst the floral display. She was soon joined by her lover, he poured her a glass of pink lemonade and handed it to her. They clinked glasses before Copia spoke, his voice was filled with amusement.

The Ministry Child: Phantomimeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें