Copia, What Did You Do?!

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Chapter Twelve! 

July 2021- The Los Angeles Ministry 

The Ministry was silent and calm this evening, there was hardly anybody around since the plague was still raging beyond the walls. The last three weeks had been quiet, there hadn't been any incidents or mishaps with the coffee maker in the kitchen. Someone was missing from this unholy place, the life and soul of this devilish church. The hallways remained safe from a certain new Papa's tricycle escapades, he was elsewhere for now.

Albany was sitting alone in the family lounge, her attention was focused on a novel she had found in the library. Copia was staying at a health spa with Sister Imperator in Beverly Hills, she had been taken ill a couple of weeks ago. Sister had asked for her little C's companionship, it was sudden and out of the blue. Albany didn't mind him going to support his superior in her hour of need, but she would have at least liked him to tell her about it instead of leaving her a note on her bedside cabinet while she slept. They had spoken every few days over the telephone, he had reassured her that everything was okay at the spa. She couldn't help but worry about him, he didn't sound right. There was something in his voice that made her wonder if everything was really okay, he wouldn't even accept him DOOM call requests when ever she attempted to make one.

Turning a page in her book Albany continued to read, but her gaze soon wandered over to her mobile phone. It was ringing and buzzing on the coffee table, she immediately picked it up. The name Copia flashed up on the mobile phone's screen, she smiled before she answered the call. She couldn't help but tease her lover, she still hadn't really forgiven him for leaving suddenly without even waking her before he had left. Her speaking tone was playful, she couldn't help but wind him up over the phone.

" Hello, this is the Emeritus residence. How may I help you?" She asked.

" This is Albany, right?"

" Yes, who am I speaking to?" She asked.

" I ummmm..."

" I'm joking, it's me!" She smiled.

 " You know you're not very funny sometimes! I thought you had forgotten about me..." 

" Im sorry, I couldn't help myself." She said in an amused tone. " How are you? How's the health spa? I really miss you, Copia." 

" I miss you too, baby. But I'm good, the spa is very relaxing." 

" And Sister is feeling better?" She asked.

" Sister is better now, she will be returning to her mansion very soon." 

" That's good to hear, but when will you returning to the Ministry?" She asked.

" I'm not sure yet, but I was wondering if you would like to join me for a long weekend at the hotel?" 

" That does sound very tempting, but I don't know..." She said while she closed her book. " My schedule is pretty full this weekend between doing nothing and watching television. I cant really cancel lunch with myself again, I was really looking forward to that leftover chicken pot pie." 

" Would you like me to beg? I can make it worth your while..." 

" I'm listening." She said while she lightly bit at her bottom lip. " What do you have in mind?"

" I can't tell you over the phone, it's a little x-rated."  

" Okay, you've twisted my arm. I would love to join you!" She said with a smile. " Where are you exactly? I can drive over at the weekend." 

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