Breakfast At The Ministry

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Chapter 20!

Breakfast At The Ministry 

March 2022 - The Los Angeles Ministry 

A thin ray of light pierced the darkness of the room, the dawn was creeping upon the Ministry. Albany stirred in her sleep, she was waking up from her deep slumber. Her hand reaching for the other side of her bed she searched for Copia, but her hand was greeted with an empty space. He wasn't there. Her eyes fluttering open she sighed softly to herself, he always slipped away before she woke. It had always been this way, he never lingered in case they got discovered. She had only ever woken up with him by her side once, but that was decades ago after a night of drinking and socialising at a office party in her youthful years.

Albany yawned before she sat up in her bed, leaning back against a pillow she allowed herself to wake up. Her room was still dark and quiet, the lava lamp from last night was missing. Her gaze wandering over to her alarm clock on her bedside cabinet, it was only 6:45am. It was too early for breakfast, no one would be in the kitchen yet. She decided to remain in bed for awhile longer, she wasn't due to wake up until 7:30am. Snuggling back down in her bed she smiled to herself, she couldn't help but think about Copia. Happily sighing to herself she closed her eyes, the memories from last night soon came flooding back to her. The warmth and pleasure she had received from him hours ago made her bite her at her bottom lip, her finger tips stroking her collar bone she giggled to herself. Copia knew how to please her, the thought of his tongue and lips against her skin still gave her goose bumps. The way he moved inside of her and his grip on her thighs, the thrusting of his hips. The scent of his hair, the way he kissed her and nibbled at her neck. Even the way he barked and tickled her was strangely erotic, he made their lovemaking feel playful. She longed to feel him on top of her once again, her lust for him was still strong. She adored him, she couldn't imagine her life without him being part of it anymore.

Beep Beep Beep

Jerking awake Albany reached for her alarm clock, she must have fallen back asleep. It was 7:30am, it was time for her to get up. Pulling the blankets back she swung her legs over the side of the bed, getting to her feet she wrapped her blanket around her torso. She felt drained this morning, the night of passion with Copia had been tiring. His libido was always high when he returned home, she expected more vigorous sexual encounters with him for at least another week. Running her fingers through her hair she yawned loudly, she wouldn't mind crawling back into bed and sleeping the morning away. But if she did that she would get a visit from Papa Nihil, he may think she's ill. And she wanted to avoid that kind of little visit, he could get overprotective at times even if he was a ghost.

" Okay, it's time to wake up." She sighed.

Drawing back the curtains and opening the window the scent of petrichor wafted into the room, the day was downcast. It was the perfect kind of day to stay indoors and watch a movie, but she didn't have time for that right now. She had things to do around the unholy church, the candles and incense sticks in the chapel wouldn't light themselves. Not to mention she had errands to run for Sister Imperator and Copia this morning, she sometimes felt like she had two bosses.

Albany made her bed and tidied her room, she found the little bottle Copia had brought with him last night. She placed it on her cabinet, but she soon noticed her reflection in the mirror. She sighed deeply to herself, there was dried blood on her chin and her bottom lip was slightly swollen. The nook of her neck was bruised, she could see teeth marks. Copia had bitten her more than once last night, but they weren't the only bruises she had gained from him. She did enjoy their intimacy, but on the odd occasion her lover got carried away. He could be rough and gentle, but last night his lust for her was strong after the months they had spent apart. She  tied up her hair before she took a shower, choosing a black dress with a high collar and long sleeves she readied herself for the day. She hid her cut lip with red lipstick, her others bruises wouldn't been seen due to their location. She was now ready for breakfast, she had worked up quite an appetite after last night.

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