Untitled Part 12

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"Why does that say Loki on it. "Said Alex.

"When I wanted to be professional I used my middle name people will take a Loki Pham more seriously then a Swampy Pham. "Said Swampy.

"I want to have a baby ."Said Mika.

"We're in our third year of college . "Said Swampy.

"I know but I think we are ready. "Said Mika.

They talked for hours about it.

They weighted the pros and cons of it and the cost of having/raising a child.

Mika typed up so much stuff.

"I have some stuff I no longer want that we can sell for money. "Said Mika.

"I can get another job. "Said Alex.

Swampy looked at them and said "We'll going to have a baby. "

How this would be done is simple-Swampy and Alex would mix their stuff and have it implanted into Mika.

It was the first of it's kind well the first of it's kind on someone who's intersex and amab.

When this was going on someone got wind of it and so many people kept saying it went against god and morals to do this it was people in the area.

Mika was met with so much crap like "You don't have to do this." to "If you don't want to do this tell them." to "Freaks like you shouldn't have kids."

Alex was met with so much ableism that he had a breakdown from it because his emotions got so high and all that did was cause people to say "See you can't be a parent."

Swampy was met with the "Freaks like you shouldn't be parents." to the "I blame the parents this is what happen when you don't have a mom in your life to tell you no and to raise you better." to "This is what happens when gay people have kids, this person wouldn't of ended up the way that they did if they had straight parents."

All of this happened before they even scheduled to get it done.

"I don't want this anymore. "Said Mika.

"Why you seemed so excited. "Said Alex.

"You went on and on about how good we would be as parents. "Said Swampy.

"All of that is true but after all the crap we have had to deal with I don't want to go through with this anymore we can just adopt a dog, you don't have to be a straight cis monogamous couple to do that. "Said Mika. 

"We would have to pay extra to have a pet. "Said Alex.

"Never mind then I don't want a pet anyway, we have each other and that's all that matters. "Said Mika.

"True. "Said Swampy.

"Yeah. "Said Alex.

When one of their friends asked if Mika was pregnant.

"He changed their mind. "Said Alex.

"Too much crap was being said to us that he changed their mind. "Said Swampy.

Mika got back on the pill and stayed on it.

Someone gave Mika a stuff animal and some baby stuff unaware about what happened.

"We won't need it I changed my mind to much crap was being said towards me and my partners that I don't want this anymore. "Said Mika handing the stuff back.

One day while watching tv Mika saw someone on tv have a baby and their respond was "No one is questioning why that couple is having a baby but that's because it's a cis straight two person couple if they were trans non straight and a trouple it would be the freaking end of the freaking world bonus point if they weren't white. "

Mika went to bed.

The next day Mika, Alex and Swampy talked after class and then Mika said "I want a baby but we should only tell our friends and families okay."

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