Untitled Part 49

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A few months later.

Tw .

Alex was at work.

Someone who didn't like him at work touched his food.

"Don't touch my food." Said Alex.

"Why not I'm not hurting it." "Said Percy.

"I said don't touch it and you touch it anyway." "Said Alex.

"So." Said Percy.

"I said don't touch it, you keep doing crap like this, ever since you got here you have went out of your way to make my life a living hell." "Said Alex.

"So what you shouldn't be here anyway there's probably people out there more deserving then you . Said Percy

Alex wasn't taken aback because he knew what that meant.

"Is it because I'm trans or a mlm wait I know what the real reason you say that is because I have Autism and you think I don't belong here that why anytime there's big job that requires a nurse to help out with it you always say oh that I'm incapable of doing this on my own without anyone there to hold my hand." "Said Alex.

"Yeah and maybe you should of gotten a service job or went to a trade school or were a greeter at a big chain store you know jobs more suited for people like you." Said Percy

"You don't deserve to be a nurse, you lack both the compassion and empathy needed to be a nurse with how you treat disabled patients and coworkers. "'Said Alex.

"That's funny you're telling me about a lack of empathy." Said Percy.

Everyone was seeing this go down.

"Stop fighting. "Said Moth.

"No I got this contrary to popular belief I don't lack empathy I have so much it that it hurts a lot I care so much about others that I got a degree in nursing because I care so much about others and their wellbeing unlike you who got it as some power trip. "Said Alex.

Percy touched Alex's shoulders which Alex didn't like when people touch him without asking.

That when the big emotional thing was about to happen.

Percy was about to laugh when one nurse just straight up punches him.

"I don't care if I get fired, I put my two weeks notice in already, also no one likes you Percy not even the old school nurses like you. "Said Kasey.

Percy had to put some ice on his face.

Kasey was let go but she didn't care.

Alex was still not okay but once he calmed down he was feeling better.

Percy was also let go because he was trying to fight a fellow nurse.

(I wanted this chapter to show what Alex deals with also because Alex is Autistic and the world is cruel place for those of us who have it, I have never dealt with this but have dealt with people thinking I'm incapable of doing stuff because Autism.")

Alex felt better once it was over.

When he got home he told his partners what happened.

Alex was laying down as Mika had him lay his head in their lap, trying to make him feel better.

"It's be okay but I also wish you didn't have to deal with this. "Said Mika.

"This happened a lot when he first attended our high school, I remember him telling me that people made fun of him a lot for his special interest which I found weird because look at him he's awesome. "Said Swampy.

"I mean he is awesome. "Said Mika.

Alex was happy to those two in his life.

He heard the noise of two kids from the front door- Nevada and Rene.

Nevada is ten and Rene is three.

Alex's mother drove her two grandkids from school.

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