Untitled Part 32.

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Not a update but a get to know the trio better again page.




Favorite Pokémon(I don't know about Pokémon types.)

Alex-Snorlax because friend shaped.

Mika-Squirtle because they look a turtle.

Swampy-Eevee because their fur looks like Swampy's hair and it made them feel better about their hair, they have naturally curly hair that looks fluffy when it's hot out.

Alex's shaved hair- Swampy shaved Alex's hair for him, they asked Alex's parents first when they did this and Alex's school photos were of him with half his head shaved because he talked his partner into shaving his head and re-dying it orange for him.

Mika doesn't want to dye his hair so the closest their allow Swampy to do is wash their hair, style it and it cut it.

Swampy dyed their own hair green also Swampy likes it when Alex and Mika play with their hair but only those two anyone else has to deal with being told stop it I don't like that unless it's Mika or Alex .

Who is their best friend.



Swampy- it's a tie between Alex and Bong.

When someone askes Alex about his friendships before meeting everyone it's get very sad.

When did they come out.

Alex- sixth or seventh grade.

Mika-same granted all of Mika's siblings aren't straight.

Swampy-They always told people they weren't a boy also they never needed to come out to their parents because their dads wouldn't of gotten mad at them same with their siblings, one of their girl siblings has a wife and their brother is gay

Are any of their siblings lgbtqia.

Alex- No.

Mika- all of their siblings are, one of Mika's brothers got platonically married to their friend to make sure he didn't lose his kid to his bitter and reckless ex and well the brother ended up falling for his friend despite not having crushes before and then he learned was demisexual and the rest is history but if he had crushes they would be on boys.

Swampy-Maya is a lesbian, Jett is gay but Vanessa is the straight kid while Swampy is the poly pan nonbinary kid but Swampy is the one who's a beautician but Swampy likes dying hair and think a new hairstyle can make you feel a little better but not into lets change everything about you thing.

The trio has nose piercings.

Swampy got theirs done after they graduated high school- Their sister Vanessa took them to get it done-her best friend is a piercer who's both professional and very sweet.

Fun fact about other characters connected to them.

Dave he's Mika's long time best friend also Dave has a new boyfriend

Nina is Dave's sister and Dalia's girlfriend.

Dave's music playlist is mainly eighties pop, girly old school country but like progressive coal worker country not flashy right winger country and progressive metal music also this guy would listen to Mcr.

Nina- girl groups but only the progressive kind, you wouldn't catch her listening to Black Pink, also she listens to R&B.

Dave has a boyfriend- his name is Kiko Maruyama he works at the same place Naruhito works at- they met when Naruhito and Kiko needed help at their job.

Kiko is African American and Japanese also Kiko has two same gendered parents.

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