Untitled Part 39

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Swampy told Alex and Mika what happened.

"Nevada is with my parents. "Said Mika.

"Oh ."Said Swampy.

Alex started playing with Swampy's hair.

Swampy liked this.

"My cute creature. "Said Alex.

Swampy liked that, Swampy calls themselves a creature so it's fine.

Swampy describes their gender like someone tried to make a male but it came out wrong so instead they gave it curly dark hair and awesome cooking skills.

A hour later.

They changed the sheets and went to make the bed.

Mika looked at the two said "I wanna have another baby. "

"I'm fine with that should we do what we did last time. "Said Swampy.

"We will have to save money but I'm fine with it we have the room and also we all have careers. "Said Alex.

"I'm fine with all of that we also would need to prepare for that. "Said Mika.

"Sure sure we also need to get new baby proofing stuff. "Said Alex.

"I just hope I don't have trouble like last time ."Said Swampy.

"We were in our early twenties. "Said Alex.

"Now we're almost thirty one. "Said Mika.

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