Untitled Part 43

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Mika and Asher got their game approved.

Mika couldn't celebrate those.

Mika doesn't drink but neither does Ash.

But Mika can't have sushi or certain food.

Ash wanted sushi so they got Chinese food.

Mika felt sick so Ash stayed with them until Swampy or Alex arrived back home.

Mika ended up feeling a pain in his stomach and once Swampy and Alex arrived home.

Mika was taken to the hospital.

Mika was having contractions a month earlier than they should be.

The baby was born a month earlier.

The three parents can't hold their baby because their baby is premature.

Mika felt like the worst parent right now, he didn't know what happened.

Turns out it was do to stress.

Mika was getting some rest.

It took two weeks before the trio could hold their baby.

Alex made a schedule about feeding.

Since neither of the three can breastfeed, they have to make sure their baby is feed on time.

Mika pretty much can work from home so that won't be a issue

Well Mika make sure that their son was feed every hour.

Mika kind of wished he had breast because this would be so much easier right now.

Mika was tired.

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